"So basically we will set up a meeting for you to come in and we will tell you what you have inherited and what all properties and the exact amount of money.  Ok? "

"Ok that sounds fine to me . "

"Ok great here is my card. " He  reached into his pocket ouleld out a card and handed it to me.

I took his card and placed it on my coffee table. 

Alex walked to the door and left.

Leaving me shocked sitting on my couch.


It's the day of the meeting and I'm super nervous.

I called my mom and dad after the lawyers left.

They had no clue about any inheritance.  They didn't know anything about my parents.

Walking into the beautiful building I got a cold chill.

Once I reached the conference room I noticed there are a couple of people inside along with the two guys who came to my house there was an older man walking with a cane, and a couple more business looking people.

There was a couple of security guards too.

Alex was the first to approach me and shook my hand. "This is Mr. Geraldo Vasques . " leading me towards the older gentleman. I went to shake his hand when he pulled me into a hug. Through years I could hear him mumbling something. Once he released he looked towards the lawyers and thanked them.

He looked back at me and said ," Isabella I am your grandfather . I am your father's dad. You see we have went through so much trying to find you. Once you were kidnapped we didn't think we would ever find you. "


"Wait hold on, I was kidnapped?" Looking around for answers.

My grandfather looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Yes Isabella you were kidnapped form the hospital. The people who have raised you covered their tracks even forged adoption papers and hid you. "

I was shocked I would have fainted again if I hadn't felt alex hold my waist and lead me into a chair.

"So my mom and dad stole me and hid me ?"

"Yes , with their money they had several people on their side they hid you where I could not find you. What made it easier was when you changed your name back. If you hadn't I would have never found you. "

" but they encouraged me to change it"

" Yeah they figured you wouldn't but gave up . They figured If they encouraged it , that you wouldn't go through with it. "

"But - but why?"

"Well your parents had enemies and they were in a car crash someone murdered your parents. The enemies didn't expect you to survive. The De la Rosa's had a friend that was nurse at the hospital when you came in they paid the nurse five million dollars to steal you and bring you to them.  "

"O shit my whole life was a lie?!?!"

"Yes , it seems that way. They covered up using money they even paid of fbi officials.  Don't worry they have been taken into custody and are going to jail for a very long time. "

"So what happens now" I look around the room at the men.

Alex puts his hand on mine to comfort me. 

"Well for starters you will take your rightful place as CEO at Vasques industries . Also , you will receive your inheritance of 10.5 billion along with 2 million from their life insurance. The properties have been transferred into your name. You now have ten houses across the globe. Along with three yatchs and two islands .  "

My hands start to shake. I am utterly shocked nobody could explain my feeling right now. I was brought out of my daze when alex interlocked our our fingers . 

My whole life was a lie and my mom and dad are criminals.

Shit what do I do?

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