I was holding onto angel's hand helping ang coaching her to keep calm not worrying that she's squeezing the life outta my hand. Damn she's strong! I then saw jin come in with ricky panting and sweating. Jin then said while still panting.
Jin: Give.....her hand....to me please?
I let her hand go and he then entwined their hands together and kissed her hand while angel was crying from the pain which led me to go down at the bottom putting on gloves and opening her legs. He then cooed to her in a soft calm voice.
Jin: It's okay angel I'm here.
Angel: O-okay. I-oh! this hurts! It hurts! it hurts! it hurts godamnit!
Jin: I know i know but you can do-
Angel: You did this! You did this to me!
Jin: Angel you helped! It's not really my fault!
Angel: Oh my god! When this is over I am so gonna kill you!
Jin: Yeah yeah just keep pushing! The more you push the more faster this can be over with.
Angel: O-Okay! And boy don't get snippy at me ya hear?!
Jin: Yes ma'am.
I then said with a serious voice.
Me: Okay angel imma need you to push harder okay.
She nodded and began to push. Her screaming and panting echos throughout the room. Ricky grabbing the utensils for me. The see the head and I began to work my magic.


-Hours later-

It it now 3:45. Angel was just laying down and panting in relief of giving birth to twins, jin is dipping his hands in ice since angel crushed his hand thus breaking almost breaking a lot of bones in his hands, ricky went to go grab everybody to come meet the new additions to the family, and that leaves me. I'm now cleaning the little ones and putting them in their footie pajamas. I then picked them both up and took them to jin and angel who were very happy to meet them.

welcome zari & Isaiah chang

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

welcome zari & Isaiah chang. Jin was holding zari and angel holding Isaiah. Angel looks happy to see them but not as happy as jin was. He was now holding them both while angel gets some rest. He keeps on kissing them on their heads while talking to them in chinese. This just make think......do I wanna have more babies?......oh who am I kidding yeah I do. I love children growing up because I grew up with having more siblings from my father. My father has more than one child and janelle just so happened to run into Ahmad and his family. We then saw the door open to see wei, noah,  kim-li, and ji-jyun come in. Wei then said with an excited tone in his voice.
Wei: Where are my grandbabies?
Jin: right here.
He then walked towards him. Jin let him hold them in his arms and you could tell he was in a loving trace. The look on his face says it all. Wei is an amazing grandpa. He spoils them a whole lot, always smothers them, gives them all their equal amount of attention, And is overprotective of them as well. Ji-won then walked into the room and asked with a look of disgust on her face.
Ji-won: Wei is going on here?
Wei: Oh darling look! Our new grandbabies have just arrived! Aren't they precious?!
Ji-won: Yeah yeah later on i-
She then looks at angel and she had a smile spread across her face. She then went to angel and touched her pulse. I-is this bitch tryna see if she died?! She's so fucked up! Angel then yelled
Angel: BOO BITCH!!!!
Ji-won: Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!! She screamed backing into an empty chair. That's what she gets. I then laughed along with ricky, jin, and angel. I saw red on her face and she trhen yelled.
Ji-won: You wretched woman! You almost scared me to death!
Angel: Yeah I know. Why do think I did it?
Angel was about to get off the bed intil I stopped her and said in a cautious tone.
Me: Angel you have to rest. So ju-
Angel: I have to pee. I then supported her to the bathroom but since she can't sit down right now she had pee in a bucket while standing up. It was gross to see all that pee, fluid, and blood come out of her. We then came out and I helped her out on the bed and tucked her in. We heard The door open so we turned around to see zhao with all the kids right beside him. He then said with amusement in his tone.
Zhao: Well this is a touching moment.
Noah: Yeah it is.
Zach, lucas and gege walks over to jin and they all look at zari & Isaiah. Zach then asked his papa feeling happy.
Zach: Daddy who are they?
Jin: Your new siblings.
I got and said what needed to be said.
Me: Come on everyone let's give some family time. Wei call me if anything happens to angel, okay?
He nodded while angel whispered a thank you to me and I responded with a nod from my head. And I closed the door. I knew they would need some alone time with their children I had the same happen to me. We were all walking to the living room. I then heard jr crying in zhao's arms.
Does he really hate me that much?
Ricky: Nah! He don't hate you he just hungry.
Zhao: Oh. Well here I can't feed him!
Me: Of course you can! If you can feed qianna then you can with jr.
zhao: Yeah but I never saw her when she was a baby. Her mother didn't let me see her when I wanted to.
Me: Oh my.....oh my god zhao I'm so sorry i-
Zhao: It's okay. I have her now. And that's the most important thing to me.
Noah: Oh by the way zhao......why did you leave china?
Zhao: Well......I'll tell you guys when angel and jin are settled. I want the whole family to hear it.
Noah: Okay.
We then sat down and talked until the doorbell rings. ji-won then opens the door and a smile appears on her face. What has this bitch done now? I thought in my head. I then see two pasty bitches come into the living room. The one in a black crop top, black mini skirt, with red hooker heels looks at ricky and then says in her cringy ass high pitched voice.
?: Hi baby! Did you and the kids miss me?
Bish whet? Did she just say the words that's gonna make me kill a bitch tonight? Baby?! Kids?! The fuck is she saying?! I then saw ricky's face getting angry. But I was more angrier than him. I guess he must have sensed it because he turned him head towards me and he saw my face filled with a anger not even god can define.

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