The Real Reasons you Fear the Dark and Elevators

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Fear of Elevators:

Fear of elevators comes from the fear of Claustrophobia and Acrophobia combined. Acrophobia is the fear of heights and claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces.

Elevators usually have a limit to how much they can hold. Sometimes the elevator is filled almost to that capacity. This may scare some people.

The causes of this fear can trace back to a time when the person was or felt trapped. This may give a sense of lost control.

People who suffer from this fear may fear it because of the sensation of being lifted up or down without being able to tell if everything is working as it should.

If your fear is causing panic attacks read this article:


1.rise in body temperature


3.feeling violated



6.elevated heart rate

7.loss of body functions (severe cases)

8.May hyperventilate

Here's a link to the website so you know how to treat it:

For me, I've always as soon as I enter and the doors are closed I always am anxiously waiting for the doors to open again although I don't show much reaction to it.

On that site there is a thing to the right underneath social connection titled Get Rid of Your Phobias Now. Maybe you want to check that out as well.

Fear of Darkness:

This fear is not only a fear for children.

Fear of the dark is called Achluophobia. Pronounced: ack-low-phobia.

Darkness is known to represent danger and unease. With your imagination, the blackness makes different shapes. This makes some of us afraid.

For some, darkness and night are soothing. To others who fear it, "it brings out the darkness in our souls" as the website put it.

Some just need nightlights or lamps. Others need something else. That reminds me. There was a picture of a quote with a weird creature thing behind it. It said, "You call it a nightlight, we call it a spotlight.
Maybe you want to rethink that nightlight now. . .

The senses are heightened when it's dark and in the light it's easier to ignore the unpleasant things.



2.feeling of being lightheaded

3.terror (you don't say)

4.feeling of being trapped

5.other panic attack symptoms.

You can go to this website if you want to find out how to cure this phobia:

It is towards the bottom of the page. It's the last thing mentioned.

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