Chapter 12: The Final Goodbye.

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-- Gabriel --

The first thought Gabriel had was that this was a trick.

Lucifer had never had an aptitude for magic, even though he'd tried to study it.

Lucifer let go of Cas' hand and faced everyone again,

"The witches I have been staying with taught me a little about magic, and a few basic spells- it has taken me ten years to learn them. Some people are born with magic, some are given it by demons, others have to learn it- and it seems I do have a little bit of skill for magic. The head of the little coven I've been with, Rowan, taught me how to summon the spirits of the dead. He helped me when trying it for the first time, so it was easier and stronger then, but this time I'll have to do it myself, so I don't think it'll last as long- but we can try."

Amara stood up from the kitchen table, beginning to clear away the breakfast plates while Balthazar assisted, and asked Lucifer,

"What do you need? I may have it stored away with my potion ingredients."

"If I remember correctly, this spell needs apple, bay laurel and lavender incense to calm the spirits and facilitate the connection with the spirit world, asphodel to attract them, cypress oil and thyme- and we need a brew of chervil and mugwort tea to communicate with them. This ritual would be best carried out outside, by a yew tree for the best connection, since the yew tree is considered connected to the spirit world." Lucifer answered.

Amara pondered for a moment on the list Lucifer had supplied and replied "There's a little yew tree I planted not far from the house for such purposes as this. And I should have the ingredients tucked away in the basement- Gabriel, why don't you help Lucifer look for them?"

"Sure." Gabriel got up from his seat after licking the last of the syrup off his plate and beckoned to Lucifer to follow him.

"So, Gabe, how's it all going- how are you feeling?" Lucifer glanced sideways at Gabriel as they descended the steps into the basement, and Gabriel glanced away. He was still surprised that his estranged brother was showing concern in his eyes.

"What, you mean after being a vampire?"

"That, and everything else."

"Though my vampirism was very short-lived, it still left an emotional scar on me. I don't think I'll ever forget that experience. I mean, Johnny, Ellen and Jo are dead because of me. I'll never forgive myself for that."

"Gabe, you can't think like that. I knew them all well even while away from the family, and I know they'd forgive you. Cas also blames himself for their deaths- you've both got to support each other now, don't let your guilt weigh you down. It wasn't your fault, they came along to save you because they wanted to- because they were your friends and they cared about you. They'd been hunters for most of their lives, so they knew full well the risks they were taking. Remember the oldest rule of hunting: you can't save everyone."

"Didn't expect to get such a speech from the guy who walked out on us ten years ago, but thanks, Luci. I suppose we've all changed." Gabriel shook off the hand Lucifer put on his shoulder, and made straight for one of the large oak cupboards in the basement, the one he knew Amara kept all her potion supplies in. He supposed they were lucky that his aunt was always so well-organised; all the ingredients they needed were in the same place. Gabriel handed half of the ingredients to Lucifer to carry, and took the other half himself, returning to the kitchen once he'd closed the cupboard door.

-- Castiel --

Castiel wasn't sure how to feel as the family gathered by the yew tree outside the house, shivering despite the warmth. Dean stood silently beside him, holding tightly onto his hand, his presence comforting. He was both nervous and impatient at the thought of seeing his family again, even if would only be temporary.

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