Chapter 8: You Can't Save Everyone.

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-- Sam --

The moment the Shurleys' truck had stopped outside of the house, Chuck raced down the front steps and was there before Gabriel's door was even open. Sam watched from a little distance, Chuck gathering his unconscious son in his arms, squeezing him close to his chest, and carried him gently inside. Sam followed Chuck as he went back inside the house, and sat down at the bare kitchen table, while Chuck carried Gabriel to where Sam supposed was Gabriel's bedroom. He watched the unconscious young vampire go, and felt a pang in his heart. For some reason, he felt connected to Gabriel. He'd felt such a strong urge to protect the older boy in the cabin, and that feeling hadn't faded.

Chuck walked back into the room, and Sam asked, "How is he?"

"He's very weak. He's been a vamp for several days now, and hasn't fed once. We need to get that cure. When are Dean and Castiel getting home?"

"I called Dean the moment we arrived back here, they should be back here soon." Sam replied.

Chuck didn't have to wait long though, as about ten minutes later, the front door opened, and Dean and Castiel walked in.

Immediately, Sam could sense something different about the two of them- their postures were slightly more relaxed than Sam remembered them being, and their bodies seemed to gravitate towards each other. Both of their faces were flushed, but Chuck didn't seem to notice any of it. Sam made a mental note to ask Dean later.

"Gabriel's back, Castiel. He's in his bedroom." Chuck told his younger son, and then turned to address both Sam and Dean. "You both know of the cure, right?"

"Yeah. It's a ritual that was recorded in a journal by one of our Campbell relatives. It requires the blood of the vampire that turned Gabriel- and just a note, it will make him sick for a few days after he's taken it- but there won't be any other secondary effects, and he'll be human again. Unfortunately, we don't know which vampire turned Gabriel, so we'll have to ask him." Sam explained.

"He's very weak though."

"So he'll probably need feeding." Sam suggested.

"Hang on," Amara, who'd just walked into the room, interrupted. "I thought the cure didn't work if the vampire has fed, though?"

"If the vampire has fed on human blood. I know it's apparently disgusting, but Gabriel can feed on animal blood to keep up his strength a little while we're sorting out the cure."

"Oh, okay." Amara looked hesitant. "We do have some animal blood in the freezer, that we use to hunt other monsters, but we can give some of it to Gabriel. Are you sure it's only human blood that affects the cure?"

"Yeah, that's what the journal said. I get what you mean though- the risk of it not working if he consumes animal blood. I don't think that will affect it, but let's just get this cure asap." Sam gave Amara a reassuring smile, and turned back to Chuck. "When do you think Gabriel will be okay to visit? We need to ask him which vampire it was that turned him."

Chuck hesitated, and then said after a moment, "I think we should give him tonight to rest, and we'll see how he is in the morning- and we'll give him some animal blood. And Sam and Dean, I think we'll still need your help, so you can stay here tonight with us- you can take my bedroom if you want."

"Oh, no, Mr Shurley, it's fine don't worry. We can sleep in the car." Dean replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Baby's been faithful to me for years, we've had to camp out in her before, we'll be fine. If we're not up when Gabriel gets up, then come and get us." Dean insisted, and got up from where he'd sat down, exiting the kitchen.

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