Chapter 2: I Did My Waiting, 16 Years of It.

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-- Castiel --

There has been a sighting of the vampires that killed Castiel's family.

The vampires that killed Castiel's family.

Castiel could feel all the eyes in the room turn to rest on him as Chuck delivered the news. All the air had been knocked from his lungs. The words were so unexpected, Castiel could not believe them.

He'd done his waiting, sixteen years of it. After ten years had passed, he began to feel as if he'd never find them- but he hadn't given up, no. He'd never give up. He'd hunt his whole life, till he was an old man, if he ever made it that far, if he had to. He would not let those monsters get away with ruining his whole life. They had once been human, surely it could not have been that long so that they forgot what humanity was? Though, there was nothing that said they didn't retain their humanity, even after being turned. Vampires were not demons, they didn't spend centuries in Hell being tortured, they didn't have darkness in their souls. Did they not care one bit about the poor, unknowing child they'd orphaned?

But Castiel was not unknowing anymore. He knew what they were, and he knew that he would come for them one day, and they must know it too.

-- Gabriel --

Of all the things Chuck could have told them, of all the news he could have brought, it had to be this. On the anniversary of his beloved brother's parents' deaths. Gabriel glanced at Castiel, who had gone deathly pale. He didn't even seem to be breathing. Gabriel knew that Castiel's memory of his real family had faded slightly over the years, as happens- that he couldn't remember exactly what his father's voice had sounded like, or what his mother's hugs had felt like, or what the exact shade of blonde his sister's hair had been. But what Gabriel also knew was that not a day went by when he didn't think of them, when he didn't wish he could see them again- wished that they were still alive, even if that meant he never would've had to be saved by Chuck and Amara, he would never have been brought into the hunter's life, he never would've met his adopted family. Gabriel never took that personally, and neither did anyone else. Gabriel loved Castiel fiercely, just as if they were true blood brothers. When Castiel was first introduced to the Shurley family, Gabriel was the first to say hi to him, to give him a hug and offered him one of his lollipops. As the years went by, Gabriel always looked out for his younger brother- never even thought about the fact that he was adopted- and they would always hunt together.

Gabriel knew- they all knew that Castiel would be the one to hunt down and kill these vampires. But Gabriel, as always, wanted to come with him- so he was the first one to break out of his reverie as he stood up and said,

"Dad." he said, looking his father in the eye. "You're going to let Castiel take this, right?"

Chuck smiled. "Of course. I wouldn't give this job to anybody else."

"Then I'll go with him."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Castiel is my brother. We've always hunted together, this time's no different. Besides," he said, winking at Castiel, who looked up at him gratefully. "he needs me to be there to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Castiel stood up and threw his arms around his brother. "Thank you, Gabe. I'm glad it's you, fighting with me."

Gabriel patted him on the back. "Of course, Cassie. I've always had your back, and I always will."

Turning back to his father, he asked, "So when do you propose we leave? Has the vampires' nest been located?"

"Yes." Chuck took a map from his pocket and spread it on the kitchen floor, since the dining table was occupied. The map was of the local area, with the Shurley house marked on it with a green dot. Also marked on the map was a red cross- this, Chuck pointed to.

Please Don't Hunt Me Down, Brother (Sabriel/Destiel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora