Chapter 6: From Bad To A Thousand Times Worse.

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-- Sam --

Sam sat silent all throughout the long car journey up to Kansas. Bobby had texted Dean the Shurleys' address, and they were in an isolated area- a large house in the middle of some plains, but close to a forest.

It was early in the morning when they pulled up in the Shurleys' driveway. All was quiet- the few night birds that called out were distant, and there were no sounds coming from inside the house.

"Dean, maybe we should wait. They'll all be asleep right now, we shouldn't disturb them."

"No, let's go now. They called us in an emergency, that means they need our help as soon as possible. The sooner we can get on this hunt, the sooner we can find these hunters."

Sam didn't argue as Dean stepped out of the Impala, and up to the front door of the house. Sam followed, and knocked on the door.

It was a few moments before somebody answered- a man with messy brown hair and a scruffy beard, wearing a white night shirt and an old dressing gown, opened the door.

"Chuck Shurley?" Sam inquired.

"That's me. I assume you're the Winchesters?"

"Yeah, that's us. I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean." Sam held out his hand, and Chuck shook it briefly, and invited them in.

"So what has Bobby told you?" Chuck asked as he indicated to them to sit down in the kitchen, as he pulled up his own chair.

"Not much." Sam replied. "We know that two of your sons have gone missing, it's got something to do with some vampires you're hunting?"

"The vamps killed the real parents of one of your sons, didn't they? His name's Castiel?" Dean interjected. Chuck nodded. "Who's the other son?"

"Gabriel, and he is one of my four biological sons- Castiel is among six adopted children. Castiel took Gabriel and some other hunters a few days ago to hunt down these vampires, and he came back four days ago without Gabriel. We've searched for four days, and we haven't found Gabriel, so we know that he has been captured by the vampires, and as time goes by it's increasingly likely that my son has been turned. Then Castiel disappeared last night. He wasn't in his bedroom this morning, and he left no note- and his window was wide open, and his bedsheets were in a mess on the floor, as if there had been a bit of a struggle. My best guess is he's been captured by the same vampires who took Gabriel- maybe even by Gabriel himself. I need your help, Winchesters, to get them back."

Beside Sam, Dean sat up slightly, and asked, "What do they look like, Castiel and Gabriel?"

"Gabriel has light brown hair and brown eyes, Castiel has black hair and blue eyes."

Sam felt Dean stiffen slightly beside him, but he didn't ask why. Instead, he turned to Chuck, "When do you want us to set off?"

"As soon as possible. You'll be going with my other two biological sons, and a couple of my adopted children."

"Two biological sons- I thought you said you had four?" Dean interrupted. Sam nudged Dean with his elbow. "Ouch!"

"My eldest son, Lucifer, left the family ten years ago. It's just Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Excluding Castiel, my other adopted children are Hannah, Anna, Balthazar, Bartholomew and Malachi. Balthazar and Hannah are coming with you today."

It was almost as if Chuck had summoned them- the next moment, a young woman with soft brown eyes and brown hair to her shoulders wandered into the kitchen, already fully dressed. Following shortly after her, a taller young man with short blonde hair walked in, dressed, but a couple of buttons on his shirt lay undone, as if he'd dressed in a hurry and hadn't bothered to do up all the buttons.

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