I laughed at Tyler's lame attempt to make me laugh. At least he was trying. He always had this way of trying to make everyone around him happy yet he hardly ever opens up about his own life. I was surprised he said anything before when I asked him why he was not in school. Maybe it was time that I opened up to him. Would it help if I told someone about what was going on at home? Would it make a difference?

I wonder about Tyler sometimes. We both had our secrets. Secrets were dangerous though. Secrets could kill you.

"Your grandmother sounds very wise"

"That is true. At least she thinks she is. She prides herself on her wisdom...and she loves to use movie quotes as life lessons, for example, "With great power comes great responsibility" and "dude, where's my car", because she always forgets where she parked her car."

"Ooooh...I love a good movie quote; what about...' You can't handle the truth!'...Well it is not very inspiring but I have always liked it...or... 'Nobody puts baby in a corner." I laughed and ate my Ice Cream. It suddenly made me think of Harper and his friends. Did they try to cheer each other up? Did he have someone he could talk to when things got bad?

"'You had me at hello'" Skye said dryly without touching his Ice Cream.

"' Do ya feel lucky...punk...well do ya?'" Tyler pulled a funny face and tried to act all tough.

"I'll be back" Skye played with the spoon inside his Ice Cream. He has been eating less and less. He was almost skin and bones.

"They don't call me die heart for nothing!" Tyler slammed his fist against his chest and I burst into a fit of laughter almost choking on my Ice Cream.

"May the force be with you..." I said through a coughing fit.

"Watch out Mac. Your geek is showing." Skye started laughing too.

"Oh no! And here I spent most of my life trying to hide the fact that I am secretly a closeted geek." I slammed my head with my hand.

"Your secret is out. I will never be able to look at you the same way..." Tyler jokes and I hit him against the shoulder.

"MotherChucker! How am I going to survive this now that my secret is out?" I give a small smile.

"Kwagga!" Tyler says while Skye says "Skêr" and they give each other a fist pump. I laugh and eat the rest of the Ice Cream.

A few seconds of silence passes before I whisper the final quote.

"Frankly my dear I don't give a d#$$"

What does it matter if everyone thinks that I killed Harper? I know the truth.

Why should I care about the different labels and names that people call me?

I find a strange honesty in the last quote. It took me being broken to finally come to a place where I truly do not care what anyone thinks about me.

I am McKenzie Prince and I may be confused sometimes, my life may be chaotic at this moment, I may tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, I am often extremely clumsy, but that is who I am.

All of the negative things that people have spoken over me these last few years may hurt, but I refuse to become all of those things that have been spoken over me.

To be honest it is no one's business what is going on in my life and I am not going to change who I am because of them. I am not going to become a monster, just because they treat me like one. I am not going to stop doing something that I love, just because I am scared of the backlash from the community.

"I want to go surf." I wiped the last few tears and stood up. "I want to go surf now!" I yelled.

"You can borrow my gear if you want. My sister's old bodysuit is also in there if you want to borrow it" Tyler pulls a key out of his pocket. "It's in the shed out back." I kissed him and smiled.

I grabbed onto Skye's hand and almost dragged him out of the café.

"Thank you Tyler! See you later!" 

"Thank you Tyler! See you later!" 

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