Number one: I was extremely jealous of Harper. The jealousy drove me mad and I decided to kill him.

Number two: I was secretly obsessed with Harper. When I confronted Harper and he told me off, I tried to murder the object of my obsession.

Number three: I am insane.

Number four: Harper and I were fighting because I was pregnant with our love child. We knew that no one would understand the magnitude of our love, so we both jumped off the pier holding hands. Just like bloody Romeo and Juliet. I did unfortunately loose the baby during the accident.

Number five: I was high while I did it because I am a druggie.

Not even one of those are close to the truth. It was rumors that ruined my life before and now it was doing it all over again. I tried for weeks to pretend like nothing they did or said phased me, but I was close to my breaking point. I am just so tired. I can't take this anymore.

A person could only take so much before they broke down completely.

Despite Skye's recent disappearing acts he has been by my side at school every day since I came back. He and Tyler were like my personal bodyguards. Today was the first day where both of them did not show up.

Why did it have to be a Monday?

I hate Mondays.

During our first lunch period I could not find Skye anywhere. Tyler at least called me to tell me that he would not be at school. I decided to eat lunch inside one of the storerooms. It was better than eating on the Rugby field on in the cafeteria where everyone else ate. Where everyone despised me. Edith was working on her art project and could not join me either.

I made sure that no one was following me before I entered the storeroom. I sat down and looked at my phone. There was a text message from Skye.

Skipped with Nat. Call me the second anyone tries to mess with you.

I threw my phone into my school bag in a fit of anger. I might have been a self-proclaimed loner, but for some reason today happened to be one of those days where I felt lonely. I wonder what went through Harper's mind that day. Could he have done all of this just to mess with me? He would have to be pretty stupid if that was his plan, because now we were both pretty much screwed.

The door burst open and I jumped. Someone came in and shut the door behind them. My heart started racing.

Not now. Not today.

"What do you want?"

No one answered. Just silence.

"Take a picture it will last longer..." I picked up my school bag and walked towards the door.

"I already have pictures."

"Brian? What the hell do you want? Just leave me alone"

"I always knew you were a freak, but to try and kill Harper that is just insane."

"For the hundredth time I did not push him! He jumped!" Brian got this lost look in his eyes before he focused on me again.

"Stop being such a liar. Everyone knows that the two of you hated each other!"

"Well I hate you and have I ever attempted to throw you off a pier? Have I? I was in the water too jerk! Why if I tried to kill him would I jump in after him?"

"Easy. Harper put up a fight and he took you with him" He shrugged.

"Just stop this! I wish all of you would just stop! You have no idea what you are talking about!" I pushed him out of the way and he grabbed onto my upper arm.

Being McKenzie Prince ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon