26: A Day of Rest

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Song Of The Chapter:
Two Birds - Regina Spektor

It was a buzz of a phone that woke Keith up that following morning. Although it wasn't his own phone, he reached over to the nightstand and picked it up.
A text message from an unsaved number.

Today's the day to strike.

Another ping.

Make me proud.

Keith's eyes narrowed, brows coming together. He glimpsed at Lance, then back at the phone.
Something was up.
Keith set the phone down again, before laying back down. He stared at the ceiling, thoughts troubled.
Even if he didn't like it, Keith knew he should follow Lance, hopefully without being spotted.
Keith knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew he would be making a plan again that broke their trust, but he had to.
I have to, Keith repeated in his head for reassurance.
But that didn't soothe the small ache of growing guilt inside his chest.

A while later, there was a shift, and Lance's eyes opened slightly. Keith looked over to him, admiring how the early morning sunlight came through the window, highlighting his smooth, caramel skin.
"Good morning," Keith greeted, pushing all worries aside for the moment.
"Hey..." Lance said sleepily, taking in a deep breath and letting out. "Were you up long?"
Keith shook his head.
"Not too long, no."
Lance shifted, reaching up to card his fingers through Keith's charcoal colored hair.
"Awe, you could have woken me up."
A soft smile spread across Keith's face, and he leaned into Lance's touch.
"I thought I should let you sleep."
Lance hummed. "Very kind."
Keith leaned over and kissed Lance lightly.
"We should go out for breakfast."
Lance thought for a moment.
"We could go to that new Altea Coffee and Sweets."
Keith acknowledged the suggestion with a nod of his head.
"Sure. But you should get your lazy ass up then."
Lance let out a whine when Keith stripped the blanket from the bed.
"I take it back! You're not kind, your evil."
Keith held his signature smirk, grabbing his wallet and checking to make sure everything was in it.
"The food isn't gonna eat itself."
Lance groaned as he slowly slid off the bed onto the floor.
Keith bent over and took the boy's hands, pulling him forward.
"Get your ass up."

It took a while, but they finally made it out the door and down the street toward the bakery. Keith watched in nervousness as Lance fished his phone from his pocket, turning it on to check any missed messages. The smile that had previously been on his face quickly fell, signalling he most likely read the message.
Out of curiosity, Keith asked, "What's wrong?"
Lance raised his head.
"You look kinda unhappy. Anything wrong?"
Lance took a quick breath in before shaking his head.
"No, it's all good."
Keith nodded, but didn't take his gaze away from Lance for several seconds.
Lance breathed in.
Breathed out.
Typed a quick message before stuffing his phone in his pocket. Keith looked away, pretending to be distracted by something else.

The bakery was almost empty when they entered, a little bell chiming that alerted their arrival.
"Its nice here," Lance mused, looking around.
Walking up to the counter, someone in the back came out, holding a plate.
"Oh, hello there!"
The man was fairly tall, with red hair and a stunningly perfect moustache. His face was slightly wrinkled with age, but his eyes were bright and alive.
"What can I get you two boys today?"
Keith looked at the menu, scanning over the options.
"Nunvil? What's that?"
The man smiled, twirling his finger in his moustache.
"That, my friend, is a historic family recipe. It contains alcohol however. I'm not giving you that this early in the day."
Keith nodded, continuing to look at the menu.
"We will have one large milkshake," Keith finally decided.
"To share?"
Keith looked at Lance.
"That's okay right...?"
Lance nodded, a smile spreading on his lips. "Sure."
"What flavor then?"
"Chocolate seems fine."

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