9: An Unexpected Ally

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Song Of The Chapter:
Thousand Eyes - Of Monsters And Men

As soon as Lance was back inside the school building, he entered the nearest classroom he saw. The class was oblivious about the intruders. Lance realized that they wouldn't have heard the gunshots from here, and so far there has been no alarms or warnings over the speakers.
Lance knew this may be hard.
Until now, he was known as the villain.
He was no superhero.
Lance spoke quickly, ignoring the shocked looks on the student's faces.
"Everyone needs to leave the building immediately. There is shooters in the hallway making their way here."
The teacher looked uncertain, as if she was deciding whether or not to trust Lance or not. He sighed, pulling down his mask.
"Please listen to me. I don't want anyone else to get hurt."
As if on cue, the speakers crackles to life, and a shaky voice began to speak.
"Attention students and teachers. As I speak there is a shootout happening. I need teachers to evacuate themselves and their students as soon as possible, and find somewhere off campus that is safe. The alarms have been damaged..." The speaker began to fizz with static, and the last thing heard was muffled gunshots. Lance looked back at the teacher pointedly.
"Go. I will make sure you and your class have a clear exit."
Without waiting for a response, Lance ran out of the classroom. So far, the coast was clear.
Lance made his way down the hallways, and soon enough he could hear the sharp bang of the guns. He saw an occasional student or two run past him, but he knew they would most likely be fine.
As Lance turned the corner, a bullet whizzed past his face, striking him by surprise. There, two men dressed in black stood, braced for combat. Lance quickly regained himself and attacked. The two fired their guns, but only struck the ice shield Lance formed with his arm. Before long, Lance had one man dead, and broke the other man's gun. Lance heard a shuffle from behind him and then a sharp pain in his arm. When he whipped around, he saw a third man standing with a switchblade.
"Oh your so going to regret that." Lance growled darkly, and he lifted his hand, sending piercing ice shards ripping through the man's skin.
He ended up freezing him, just in case.
Then, he proceeded down the empty hallway, until he entered another section of the building.
Immediately, Lance noticed blood.
He grimaced under his mask, but pressed onward. It wasn't until he reached the other end that he saw more men. They turned at his approach, immediately beginning to fire at Lance. With a smirk, Lance dodged and froze multiple bullets, forming spears made of ice to impale his opponents.
Cruel may the tactic be, but they deserved it.

As Lance was dealing with one difficult enemy, he didn't notice one of the men aiming at him from behind.
Lance's opponent's gaze shifted for a second, and Lance noticed it right before he heard a shout behind him.
"Frost, watch out!"
Lance turned right as the man from behind fired, surprised.
The bullet ended up hitting the man Lance was fighting.
Lance saw a knife come hurtling toward the man in front of him, and Lance looked away right before the blade hit home. The pale boy looked down the hall to see a person no other than Slate. Both stared at each other before Slate asked in a weary tone, "F-Frost? Why are you here...?"
Lance looked down.
He was not sure how to respond.
How would you tell your rival, the person you have been fighting with for so long, that your innocent? You weren't the one who caused this mess?
Hah, good luck with that.
"Are you working with them?" Slate asked stifly, adding to his previous question.
In a quiet voice, Lance replied, "I came because it is the right thing to do. I can't stand by and watch innocent people die like this. It... it's not right. I know I'm not some superhero, but I'm also not some sick assassin. I only kill if it is necessary."
Slate walked forward picking his knife up. "Well, that's good to hear, because I will need backup."
Lance looked up at Slate in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe those words just came out of the other's mouth.
Lance took a second to get a grip.
"Don't you like... hate me? Aren't you not supposed to trust me? I mean if I'm getting my calculations right, I'm probably the last person you would trust.... right?"
Slate stared at Lance carefully, taking in Lance's advisement.
"I know we haven't been on the best of terms, and yes, typically the hero should not trust the villain. But, I need help. I trust you enough to know you will help me."
Lance felt a small smile spread across his cheeks, but it quickly disappeared as he stared down at the two lifeless bodies on the ground.
"We need go split up between the West and East wings of the building. We will meet back up in the center, alright?" Slate nodded, but before the two split up, he turned.
Lance turned to look at Slate.
"Thank you, and be careful."
Lance nodded, before turning around and disappearing down the hallway.

Lance patrolled the corridor, making sure every single classroom was evacuated in the process. However, his mind drifted back to Slate's words.

"I trust you enough to know you will help me."

The sentence replayed over and over in his head like a broken record.

"I trust you enough to know you will help me."

"I trust you enough to know you will help me."

Lance had Slate's trust... for now.
But for how long?
He has not been trusted fot a long time while in this form.
But, if Slate knew that this was partially my fault, Lance thought, he would never trust me again.
Lance stopped abruptly at a door, immediately recognising the classroom.
Which means Hunk and Pidge may be in the classroom.
Lance crept inside the room carefully, trying to stay quiet.
"Hello? Anyone there? I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you escape."
As soon as Lance was a few steps into the dark classroom, there was a click behind him.
"Hands up."
Lance stopped in his tracks. He found himself slowly raising his arms slowly into the air. He glanced over his shoulder to see a man pointing a pistol at him. They were obviously working for his father.
"Turn around so your facing me!"
Lance closed his eyes and turned around to face his opponent. Before the man could react, Lance shot his arm forward and blasted the man backward into the wall, bullets firing in random directions. Lance quickly exited the room, booking it down the hallway.
How many people would he have to kill today?
He didn't want to find out.

What Lance didn't know was that there was a group who had planned an ambush, waiting silently to make their move in capturing Frost.
That was the plan all along.
Lance thought the coast was clear until he rounded the corner.

There, he was struck by surprise to run face to face with around twelve men, loaded with guns, ropes, and other equipment.

Time seemed to slow down.

There was a loud BANG, and before Lance had time to realize what had happened, pain exploded in his side. He winced and let out a startled and pained gasp, looking down. Blood was pooling quickly from the wound, and Lance looked up at the man who fired.
Without thinking, Lance began to freeze the man, but before he could do so, another loud crack of sound filled the air. Then another.
Lance didn't remember falling until he was kneeling on the ground. He was numb for a moment before there was pain.
An excruciating amount of it.
There were now three bullet wounds - one on the side of his stomach, one just below his left collarbone, and one close to his waist.
Lance felt a whine escape his throat, vision blurring, until he collapsed on the ground. Everything was a haze of sound and motion. Lance couldn't seem to make out words or images, things just faded in and out, his world spiraling into a void of darkness.

Lmao this was originally one long chapter (3000 or something words.) I cut it shorter, but hey, that means the next chapter should be out quite soon!
-Squemon <3

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