As The Cold Sets In

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After a long day of walking around and exploring the Altean colony, Lotor and I had decided to stay the night there. I'd noticed a giant statue of him in a field not too far from where we were staying. And told him I was going on a walk for some fresh air. He was gracious enough to let me walk on my own and get a feel of my surroundings. Going to to the statue that the Alteans had made and looking up at it admiring how well built it was.

"Halt! Who are you? Why have you come to the statue?" I hear an Altean say protectively.
"My name is Sirena, I mean no harm. I am Prince Lotor's betrothed. I was only on a walk and had seen it earlier today. I decided to take a look for myself out of pure curiosity." I say calmly and truthfully.
"M-my apologies. M'lady.." he says bowing as I just gently smile.
"Please, there is no need for such formalities. And you need not apologize to me, this must be a very important statue to the colony. You were only protecting it." I say kindly.
"Yes, Lotor is our savior. We built it as a way to honor him while he is away." He says with a smile.
"It's very well built. It looks exactly like him, but made of stone and metal." I say, complimenting the architecture.
"We e spent a long while making it. Along with our colony. And normally each time he visits, he takes a few lucky Alteans to the second colony. It's considered the highest honor." He explains.
"Is that so?.. is that what those inscriptions are? The names of the Alteans who left?" I ask curiously.
"Yes, one of my sons went to the colony. We cannot contact them though. In case the empire were to find the location of the second colony." He says.
"I see, I should be going before he comes looking for me. I hope you get to see your son again." I say with a smile. Walking back to the home Lotor and I were staying in. "Something isn't adding up... shouldn't there at least be a secret way to communicate?... I wonder where those other Alteans are being taken.." I wonder to myself.
'I fear the Cold may be settling in...' I think as I enter the home with a small smile.

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