The Proposal Pt. 2

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I hadn't been paying much attention to where I was walking, my eyes glazed over in thought as I walked. Not realizing that there were footsteps in front of me with some very familiar but nervous mumbling....

Just as quickly as I had noticed it, it had turned into a surprised gasp and the footsteps seemed to stop directly in front of me, making me freeze in place. Blinking a few times to recognize the familiar lavender skinned man standing before me. He looked so different today, his armor had been put aside for some more cultural clothes from my planet. His hair styled to match as it flowed down his back, tied back a bit with a subtle braid. A wide smile making its way onto my face as I embraced him in a hug. It had been lonely without him the past couple days. He seemed to break out of his small trance as I did so, his blue eyes softening and his arms wrapping around me in return.

"Where have you been these past couple days, Love? I.. I was starting to worry." I asked, it felt so nice to be back in his arms again. But something was off... He seemed hesitant to answer for a moment, causing me to pull away suspiciously.

He seemed to be thinking of a way to word what he wanted to say. "I was meaning to wait another day or so.." I heard him mumble. 

"Another day or so for what?.." I asked, concern making its way onto my face. Normally he was put together, it was rare for him to get jittery like this. "Is there something important you need to say?" I asked, observing his reaction before holding one of his hands in mine. He was so nervous.. It was almost as if he were preparing to confess something tragic.

He gently squeezed my hand as if to make sure I was really there. Looking from our hands to my eyes and smiling softly. "Yes, it is rather important... As you know we have been courting for awhile now.. our betrothal has been making your advisors impatient. And well, I believe I may have waited too long to ask such a critical question.." He said. Seemingly gathering the confidence to speak after seeing that I was listening. And then, he started to kneel. His hand leaving mine and reaching into a pocket in his formal wear-

And then it clicked into place

Everything made sense...

My expression slowly shifting to one of realization as he continued to speak. "From the moment I first saw you sitting in the throne room, a book in your hands and a faraway look on your face. I knew we were meant to be together. That only proved to be more true when we returned to your home... I never knew how much I could help another person until then.. I never knew I could care so much for another being." He said, sincerity in every word. But his eyes were focused on mine in an honest and loving manner. I nodded, continuing to listen as tears had started to well up in my eyes. "But now I realize I'm able to care far deeper than that. Sirena.. will you marry me?" And with those final few words, he pulled out a simple ring. Just a golden band.. the sun engraved into the metal.

I nodded furiously, the tears spilling as my face felt like it would split from my smile. "Yes. I will." I said happily, letting him put the ring onto the proper finger. His face had lit up so brightly, like a million moons in the night sky. He stood and pulled me into a long but soft kiss. Our fingers intertwined and smiles on our faces. 

((Hello my lovelies! AAH! I loved writing this chapter! And thank you for inspiring me to continue this story!! I will try my best to continue this story until completion unlike most of my other works. Until the next chapter though, please try one of my other books! I reccommend my Hellboy and the Golden Army inspired book "Worlds Apart" which you can find on my main profile under my works!))

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