Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture

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Richard- Jazmin? That's your girlfriends name is that correct?

James- You fucking bastard!!! Don't you dare touch her!!! I fucked up okay!? Leave her outta this!!

Richard- Answer me one question Mister Dawson. How well do you work a gun under pressure?

James- I am not playing your sick twisted game!!!

Richard- Well you have already made your bones. Let's see if we can add one more special person into the list. Shall we?

James- DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!! ...I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!..(Suddenly the guard hit me in the head with a gun and everything after that went pitch black)


I pulled over to the parking lot of the hotel where James and his mom were staying. Suddenly I felt nauseous. My stomach was in pain and I wanted to throw up. I quickly rushed over to a trash can nearby. I was on an empty stomach and the second thoughts of leaving were starting to creep in. I needed to sit down and rest. So I sat in the driveway trying to pull myself together before I knocked their door. I didn't want his mom to see me in such a stressed stage. The fact that I would be leaving my family without saying goodbye was slowly eating me inside. My conscious was not letting me breathe or think straight. Truth was I couldn't face my parents. They wouldn't accept this crazy idea of running away with James.

They wouldn't understand how much I love him. My mom couldn't stand him she would be the first to try and stop me. I love her so much that I was afraid she would've eventually succeeded. There was my father also. The thought of leaving him when we had just started our relationship couple months ago was overwhelming. He would be devastated and surely disappointed with my decision. So I quickly packed a suitcase and left early morning while they were fast asleep. The hotel was not far from Redwood-Ville. Only forty minutes away. I wondered why James checked in a hotel away from our town. I also questioned the reason of his mom following him.

Not that she was a bother to me. She was a sweet lady with a warm smile that could turn a bad day into a good one. I didn't get to interact with her much back when they lived next door. I was happy that at least now I would have the perfect chance to get closer to her in our trip. I figured if she had come along this far with James she would be joining us too. The nausea and dizziness started to fade away. All the mixed emotions and stress I had been dealing with were really starting to affect me. I slowly stood up and walked towards the door. Nervously I knocked and hoped she'd be there.

Emma- Honey..Hi! Come in..

Jazmin- Hi Ms. Emma..Um I'm not bothering am I?

Emma- Of course not sweetie come here..

Jazmin- (She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug that felt so warm and satisfying)...Did James tell you?

Emma- Don't worry honey I'm caught up with all this craziness..But I'll tell you this if you are the reason of my sons happiness..Which you are..Then I will allow this type of craziness..Because I know it comes with lots of love and care..Which is exactly what I want for James.

Jazmin- I do love him..So much Ms. Emma..I can't imagine my life without him anymore..I need him like I need air to breathe..I am crazy in love with your son..*Smiles

Emma- You have no idea how much your words warm my heart. I know you will make him happy and a better person..When he is with you he stays out of trouble..He thinks twice about his actions before committing them..Because he knows he is risking the only person that makes him whole..You.

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