Garden of Lies- Chapter Twenty Two

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Eddie woke up, feeling confused. It took him minutes to realize all of that was a dream, and that he had never even met the man living next to him.

He sat up, trying to collect everything. His mind was racing, and his hair was mattered with sweat.

"No," Eddie whispered aloud, "That couldn't have been a dream. It felt too real. It was real!"

He quickly pulled himself out of bed and looked out the window. The house was still there. The house that Eddie had dreamed he had been inside so many times.

"No." Eddie whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks as his heart broke inside his chest.

He felt so confused. The dream, it felt all so real. The feelings, the touches, the events, it all felt too real. He began to wonder if Chris actually did live next door, or if it was someone else.

"Eddie, you need to start on your school work." His mother said. Eddie turned, wondering just how long his mother had been standing there.

"I... no! You're not suppose to be here!" Eddie yelled.

She knotted her eyebrows. "Eddie, honey, what're you talking about?"

"I ran away. We ran away. Away from you. Why... why am I still here?"

She laughed. "Sounds like you had one crazy dream. You were out for a while. You hit your head and passed out, darling."

Eddie stood, frozen. "I... passed out? So... it was all a dream? None of that... happened?"

She shook her head. "You haven't been anywhere, Eddie. Mike found you outside unconscious and carried you to your bed. We aren't really sure what happened."

"But... what about Layne and Jerry and-and Chr-"

"Honey, it was just a dream. Sit down. I'll go get you some water." She said before leaving the room.

Eddie collapsed on the bed. His whole body was trembling. He felt as if he had met the love of his life, yet, it was all just a dream. It made no sense. How could it be?

Eddie didn't know what to do. But one thought was running through his mind. To go next door. To see if it was actually Chris living next door.

"Here's your water. I have to go to work. Will you be okay?" His mother asked, giving him his cup of water.

Eddie chugged it. The water felt good to his dry throat. He nodded his head, just wanting her to leave so he could check out the place beside him.

"Would you like me to get Mike over here?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine."

She smiled. "Alright. Get your work done. I'll see you in a bit."

She left once again, closing the door behind her. Eddie looked around. It was still the same old room it had always been. Everything seemed to all be in place, just like it was before he left in his "dream".

"What's happening?" Eddie whispered to himself, wanting answers, but he didn't know how to answer it himself.

Eddie rushed to his computer, remembering that him and Chris had sent each other emails. But when he logged into his account, there was no emails to be found. Chris' email address was nowhere to be found.

He looked out the window once again, but he couldn't see anyone through the windows. Inside, it looked dark. Eddie turned his computer off and slipped on his shoes before heading out the door.

He was slow and cautious. The warm sunshine felt as if it hadn't touched Eddie's skin for days. As he passed by the house, a chill ran down his spine.

There the man stood, looking identical to the man in Eddie's dream. The same hair, the same blue eyes, the same everything.

The man stood there, not looking up at Eddie, but was watering white flowers in his yard, just like the first time Eddie had seen him in his dream.

The man finally looked up, blues eyes meeting blue. Eddie was frozen in his spot. The man gave him a grin. A big, wicked grin.

"Chris..." Eddie whispered, his voice trailing off.

"Eddie," Chris said, still keeping his grin, "So nice to see you."

"I... I had a crazy dream about you." Eddie said quietly. Chris chuckled.

"That's me working my magic, doll."

Eddie looked at him hard, not sure what to say. He just kept looking at Chris. Everything felt so unreal.

"What are you? A witch?" Eddie finally asked.

Chris chuckled again. "Would you like to come inside?"

"No, thank you. I should be heading home."

"You sure? Not even for a moment?" Chris asked. He grinned again. Eddie couldn't help it; he smiled at Chris.

"Well, I suppose I could for a moment."

Chris smiled. "Great."

Eddie just couldn't wrap his mind around everything that was happening, but whatever it was, it had to be some sort of magic Chris put upon him.

"What did you do?" Eddie asked once they were finally inside.

"What exactly do you mean? All those dreams you had for the last twelve hours?"

Eddie nodded his head. Chris smiled.

"You're my true love, Eddie. I knew it when I first seen you while you watched me from your window. I put all those dreams in your head to make you believe you would love me, no matter what."

"A-are we really brothers?" Eddie slowly asked. Chris shook his head.

"Of course not. I just wanted to see how much you'd love me. But I'm the same man you seen in your dreams, Eddie. No more, no less."

Eddie shook his head. "This is all crazy."

Chris tapped his chin. "I suppose it is. But, I do need a partner in my life, you're in love with me, I'm in love with you, so what do you say?"

"I... I need time to think about all this." Eddie said, shaking his head which was throbbing with pain.

"If you don't believe me, kiss me." Chris said.

"Kiss you?"

Chris nodded, stepping closer to Eddie. "A kiss will reveal all your feelings."

Eddie was hesitant, but he felt as if he had nothing more to lose. He slowly inched his lips closer to Chris' until they finally touched.

Even at the most gentle kiss, the sparks flew, and all the feelings he had for the man in his dreams came back to him. Chris' lips felt the same; soft, warm, and addicting.

"You're right." Eddie gasped. "Y-you're the man in my dream."

Chris grinned. "Of course I am."

"How... how could this be?" Eddie suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, Eddie. We have an eternity to discuss this." Chris said, holding Eddie close to him.

Eddie didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded his head, and leaned in for another kiss.

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