Garden Of Lies- Chapter Twenty

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Jerry was gone, leaving Layne alone with Chris and Eddie, who sat on the couch, while Layne sat in a chair across them.

Layne couldn't help but feel the urge to say something, but he didn't want to come off as rude. It was right on the tip of his tongue.

"So... you two are getting married?" Layne asked, breaking the silence. The couple smiled and nodded their heads.

"Wouldn't that be... illegal?" Layne asked. Chris gave him an odd look.

"Why would that be illegal?" Chris asked.

"Well it's just... look, I know that I shouldn't have done it, but I seen a paper on the bed and I couldn't help myself. I read it and I know that you two are brothers." Layne spilled out quickly.

Eddie's eyes went wide. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He began to feel embarrassed knowing the fact that Layne knew, and he was sure Jerry did too.

Chris was lost for words. He didn't think anyone would ever find out, but he knew he should've known better than to leave the proof in view of Layne.

"It's okay," Layne finally said, "I don't mind. I don't like to judge people."

"Who have you told?" Chris asked.

"Just Jerry." Layne swore, even though it was a lie.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Chris mumbled.

"Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone." Layne promised.

"This is serious, Layne. You can't tell anyone. And I mean anyone. Well, anyone else since you've already told Jerry." Chris said.

Layne nodded his head. "I know, and don't worry. No one will ever know."

"If the word gets to the wrong people we could go to jail for this." Chris informed.

Layne bit his lip. "Yeah, I know. I won't tell anyone."

Everything went back to silence. Layne began to regret telling his friend, Mike. He knew Mike wouldn't tell the police, but he didn't know who else exactly Mike would tell.

* * *

"I think we should leave." Eddie whispered to Chris as the two laid down for the night.

"We don't have anywhere else to go."

Eddie bit his lip. "But they know, and it's... it's weird."

Chris sighed. "I know, but Jerry and Layne are great. Especially Jerry. I'm sure if we tell them the whole story of everything they'll have a better understanding."

"Maybe." Eddie slightly agreed.

"Don't worry too much about it. We'll be fine." Chris assured him. Wrapping his arm around Eddie, he placed a kiss on his lips.

"Get some sleep." Chris told him. Eddie nodded his head.

"Goodnight." Eddie whispered, cuddling himself into Chris.

* * *

"I'm an awful person." Layne whispered.

"No you're not. Why're you saying that?" Jerry asked. Layne looked at him with his big blue eyes and frowned.

"There was some things I didn't realize, and now that I do realize it, I'm regretting it."

Jerry knotted his eyebrows. "What're you talking about?"

"If someone bad finds out about Chris and Eddie... they could go to jail."

Jerry sighed. "I told you not to tell anyone, didn't I?"

"I only told you and Mike. But what if Mike tells someone? This'll be all my fault." Layne whispered. Jerry could hear the regret in his voice.

"Well, I guess we can only hope Mike doesn't tell anyone. It's too late to feel bad about it now."

Layne sighed. "You're not making me feel better."

Jerry shrugged. "Sorry, I don't know what else to say. I told you to keep it quiet. Just try not to worry so much, and please promise me you won't tell anyone else."

Layne nodded. "Yeah, I promise I won't tell anyone else."

Jerry smiled and pecked him on the lips. "Good. Then don't worry about it, Layne."

Layne sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'll try."

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