Garden Of Lies- Chapter Six

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Eddie was in the middle of doing his school work when he was notified he had an email. Seeing it was from Chris, he quickly opened it up, and his eyes scanned over the message.

'Really wish you were over here right now... I got my cock all hard and twitching from thinking of you.'

Eddie swallowed hard. His body felt hot again, especially his cheeks. He couldn't understand how Chris could make him feel such a way as he did.

'I'll be over soon.' Eddie replied. Tonight was the night he promised Chris he would stay.

'Can't wait that long. I need you bouncing on my cock right now.'

Eddie quietly moaned aloud, biting his bottom lip. He needed to get his school work finished, but Chris was so distracting. He was such a bad boy, and Eddie loved it.

'Sneak out.' Chris wrote. Eddie knew there was absolutely no way he could sneak out of the house. Especially since his mother was just downstairs.

'I can't. You have to wait.'

'Look out your window.'

Eddie's heart raced. Quickly, he got out of his seat and stood behind the window. He was so eager to see just what Chris was doing.

He pulled opened the curtains, and there was Chris behind his window. His shirt was off, and his face held distress. His hands went to his jeans, unbuckling the belt that was wrapped around his waist.

Eddie watched him with wide, lustful eyes. Chris was so fucking sexy, and Eddie felt so honored to have his attention. He loved that Chris got him so turned on.

Slowly, Chris began to pull his jeans off, still leaving on his boxers. Eddie could even see the bulge in his boxers. Chris ran his hand over it, biting his thick, pink lips as he did so.

Just as Chris was beginning to pull his boxers off, he shut his curtain. Eddie whimpered. It wasn't fair to start a show for him and not finish.

But for now, he was going to try to finish his school work. And hopefully get his mind off Chris for a while.

* * *

"Eddie, what's going on?" His mother asked, crossing her arms. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You're failing your work, and half the time, it's not even completed." She sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just have some things on my mind." Eddie said, and it was the truth. The only thing on his mind anymore was Chris and his big cock.

"You need to get yourself together, Eddie. You were doing so good until here lately. Is something going on?"

Eddie shook his head, and looked at her in confusion as if he had no idea what was going on. "No, nothing is going on."

She sighed. "Alright, good. I'm going to go to bed, baby. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, mom."

Eddie was relieved that she was finally going to bed. He was so eager to get out of there and see Chris. Pacing around the room, he thought of some way he could approach Chris, but he figured he'd leave it up to him.

After fifteen minutes went by, Eddie felt it was safe to leave. As quietly as he could, he snuck out of the house without any problems. He made sure his bedroom door was locked before leaving.

He didn't even bother to knock. He just walked straight in like Chris had told him to. Chris stood at the top of the stairs, biting his lip.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight." Chris said with a grin.

Eddie began to climb the stairs, and as soon as he was at the top, Chris greeted him with a kiss. His hands went to Eddie's hips, pulling him into the bedroom.

"Why didn't you let me watch you play with yourself?" Eddie asked. He was still a bit disappointed he didn't get to watch. Chris chuckled.

"Did you want to watch me?"

Eddie's cheeks were beginning to turn red. "Maybe."

Chris pushed Eddie down on the bed. The memories of last time they fucked ran through his head. But this time would be even better.

"Well, maybe if you're a good boy for me, I'll let you watch next time." Chris told him as he massaged Eddie's cock through his jeans.

"Mmm," Eddie moaned softly. Chris grinned. He just loved to make Eddie feel good.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Chris asked.

"I want you to..."

"To what?"

"Fuck me," Eddie sighed.

"Yeah? Do you ever think about me fucking you?"

Eddie nodded his head. He felt so embarrassed, and his cheeks were red. Chris could tell Eddie was a bit uncomfortable, but he liked it.

"How do you imagine me doing it?"


Chris chuckled. "Good, because that's how I want to fuck you. Mmm, I can't wait to feel your tight ass around my dick again."

Eddie's heart raced. His breathing was already getting heavier. His eyes flicked down to Chris' lips. They looked so thick and sweet. Eddie was craving another kiss.

Wrapping his arms around Chris' neck, he pulled him down. Their lips met, and as they shared a deep kiss, Eddie unbuttoned Chris' jeans.

Eddie couldn't wait to have Chris out of his clothes. He couldn't wait to see his sexy, fit body. Fuck, Chris was already driving him crazy and he hasn't even known him a week yet, and he had only been fucked by him once.

"Fuck, you slut, take your shirt off." Chris demanded once he had broke away from the kiss. Eddie did as told and took his shirt off.

"I'm not a slut." Eddie pointed out. Chris laughed.

"You're my slut." Chris told him before going in for another kiss. Eddie loved the thought of that.

As Chris began to place tender kisses on Eddie's neck, something came over Eddie. A wave of nausea hit him. He hoped it would go away, but he laid there until he couldn't.

He pushed Chris off him and ran to the bathroom. Chris followed behind him, stopping at the doorway. He looked away as Eddie threw up.

"Shit. Are you sick?!" Chris began to panic. Especially since him and Eddie were just making out seconds before.

"Maybe it was something I ate." Eddie sighed. Now he felt like shit.

Chris wanted to tell Eddie to go home, but then again he didn't want him to leave. After all, Eddie did promise the night with Chris.

"Alright, alright. Come lay down, okay? I'll get you some water, or juice, or something."

Eddie weakly pulled himself off the floor. He still felt sick, and now his body was trembling. He laid down in bed, melting into the soft mattress.

"Are you going to be okay?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded his head.

Chris sighed. He was really hoping to get to fuck Eddie tonight, but he guess he would have to wait.

"You want something to drink?"

"No, I'm alright."

Chris opened the closet door and searched for some warm pajamas. After he found them, he got Eddie rid of his jeans and dressed him in the pajamas. He laid in bed next to Eddie, and pulled the comforter over him.

"Alright, get you some sleep." Chris told him.

For a moment, Eddie just laid there with his eyes shut. But then, he cuddled himself into Chris' body. Chris bit his lip. He wasn't into all the cute and cuddly shit, but he eventually wrapped his arm around Eddie.

"Goodnight." Eddie whispered. Chris laid his chin on top of Eddie's head.


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