Garden of Lies- Chapter Thirteen

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"I love you." Chris said softly. Eddie's heart melted, and a smile spread across his face.

"I love you, too, Chris."

Chris smiled, and pressed his lips against Eddie's. "I'm going to miss you."

Eddie sighed. "I'm going to miss you, too. Could you maybe... sneak in later?"


Eddie slowly pulled his fingers away from Chris'. He didn't want to leave. He just wanted to stay by Chris' side. Even if he did lie, Eddie couldn't stay mad at him.

"Goodnight, baby. I might sneak in later, alright? I need to shower."

"Alright. Sweet dreams, Chris."

After sharing one more quick kiss, Eddie went inside. He couldn't control the goofy smile that spread across his face. He made his way up to his room.

He was surprised to find his mother standing in the middle of his room. Her arms were crossed, and by the look on her face, she was not pleased.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" She yelled. Eddie flinched.

"Mother, I-"

"What the hell, Eddie?! What do you think you're doing?! Sneaking around with-with him! What is this?!" She pointed to Eddie's computer screen.

There it was. All the emails him and Chris had sent to each other. He couldn't lie now, he couldn't make up any excuses, and there was no way out of this.

"Please, mother, I can explain."

"Explain? You can't explain this, Eddie. I already know what's happening. You're fooling around with him, aren't you? I saw him walking you home. Were you two having sex?"

"You don't even know anything about him!" Eddie shouted back at her. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're right, I don't. But after seeing these messages, I think he's nothing but a pervert."

"He is not."

"He's not? Eddie, he's using you. He's only using you for sex! Are you so stupid that you can't understand that?!"

"You don't know fucking anything. None of this is even any of your fucking business!"

"I'm your mother, Eddie! I'm suppose to look out for you!"

"All you've ever done was ruin my life! All you ever wanted to do was keep me trapped in this house my whole life."

She shook her head. "That isn't true, Eddie. I was going to allow you to get a husband. But not him, oh no, not him."

"Then who? Mike? Is that why you allow me to be friends with him? So, you think we'll fall in love, and get married? I don't love him. I could never love him. I love Chris!"

She slapped Eddie across the face, and everything turned to silent. Eddie was shocked his mother had hit him. Never once in his life had she laid a hand on him.

"Never say that again, you little bitch. You don't love him, and he doesn't love you. I forbid you from ever seeing him again. These emails? Done. You're never messaging him again. If I have to quit work and stay here to watch you and make sure you don't associate with him, then I will. This has come to an end, Eddie, you understand me?"

Her voice was a little calmer now. Eddie couldn't do that. He couldn't even go a day without hearing from Chris.

"You understand me?" She asked again. Eddie looked down at the ground, a tear slowly slid down his cheek.

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