Garden of Lies- Chapter Seventeen

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"I love you, so much." Chris said softly as his fingers played in Eddie's hair. The two laid in bed, cuddled up, and Eddie was almost asleep.

"I love you, too, Chris. I will never ever stop loving you."

Chris smiled. "Good, because I'll never stop loving you either."

"In just a week from now, we're going to find out if we're brothers." Chris reminded.

Just hours ago the two had went in and took a test to see if they were truly brothers. The only thing was, it took a week before the results came back.

"I know. I'm a little nervous, actually." Eddie sighed.

"Don't be, doll. It's just, you know-"

"Guys! I'm getting married!" Layne squealed as he came running into the room. He held up his hand, which had a ring wrapped around his finger.

By now, Eddie was fully awake. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and sent his friend a smile.

"Aw, Layne, that's so sweet." Eddie said as he took Layne's hand and got a better look at the ring.

Layne smiled. "Yes, I know. I'm so happy! And guess what! You two are going to be in my wedding!"

Chris faked a smile. "Great."

* * *

Slowly, but surely, the week went by and finally Eddie was holding the paper in the hand. Chris sat in front of him on the bed, his legs crossed Indian style, waiting for Eddie to inform him of the results.

"Hurry up, let's see what it says." Chris rushed. With a sigh, Eddie began to open up the envelop.

Eddie bit his bottom lip as his eyes scanned over the paper. Chris impatiently sat, rushing Eddie to tell him the answers.

"We're... brothers." Eddie spit it out. Chris was shocked. He thought maybe Eddie's mother, or well, their mother, was only telling Eddie that to make Eddie stay away from him.

"Oh... Well, uh... Woah." Chris said softly. Eddie sat the paper down between the two of them.

"Well... what now?" Eddie asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean... it doesn't really change anything, does it? I mean, we didn't grow up together. We didn't even know anything of each other. Just... fuck." Chris sighed and frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair.

Eddie bit his lip. "Yeah, I know."

Chris stood up from the bed and began to pace back and forth. Everything was all just hitting him at once, and he felt as if he was losing his breath. His boyfriend was his own brother.

"No one can find out about this, you understand? You don't speak a word about this to anyone, got it?" Chris said. And Eddie knew by the sound of his voice he wasn't just kidding around.

"I won't."

"Promise? You have to fucking promise me, Eddie."

"I promise. God, Chris, calm down."

"I am calm." Chris assured him. But he wasn't. He couldn't even begin to explain how he was feeling right now.

"You're angry. Just like I knew you would be." Eddie stated. He stared down at the bed, and Chris sighed and sat back down in front of Eddie.

"Okay, I'm a little pissed off. But not at you. It isn't your fault. I'm just... pissed at our parents."

"But if we were never separated... we wouldn't be together right now." Eddie pointed out. He was trying to look at the bright side of it.

Chris bit his lip. "Yeah... I know that. Well, let's just not talk about it, okay? So, we're brothers, but that doesn't matter. I love you, Eddie, no matter what, and you know that."

Eddie smiled, and wrapped his arms around Chris's neck. He leaned in, and the two shared a deep kiss. And nothing felt different at all. That same spark lit up inside of them, and their hearts both skipped a beat.

"I love you, too, Chris." Eddie said once the kiss broke. Chris softly nuzzled their noses together.

"You're so sweet, and I love it," Chris said with a smile. "I'm so glad you aren't freaked out about this."

"I'm just glad we're still together. I don't want anything to happen between us."

"It won't." Chris promised him. And Eddie trusted him.

"I know."

"Come on, let's go take a look around Seattle." Chris said, getting off the bed, and taking Eddie's hand. With a giggle, Eddie pulled himself off the bed and followed behind his wonderful boyfriend.

* * *

"Guys... are you here?" Layne asked, peeking his head into the door. But Eddie and Chris were nowhere to be found, and Layne couldn't help but notice a paper sitting on the bed.

So, being the nosy little Layne he was, he slowly crept inside the room and picked up the piece of paper. Seeing it was sent from a clinic, he had to read on. And after he read it, he nearly dropped the paper out of his hands.

"Jerry!" Layne yelled to him as he rushed back to their room. Also, being the gossiper little Layne he was, he was going to tell Jerry everything. 

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