Part 1 The monster king

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PLEASE READ THE: This story contains rape. If the thought of this disturbs you, do not read this story. I do not want to upset anyone. I understand how serious rape is and do not mean any disrespect to anyone by writing about this topic. If you cannot handle the adult themes dealt in this story, do NOT continue. Consider yourselves warned!

Omkara moved till he was standing right behind her. He could feel her heartbeat rate increasing from her quickened breathing as well as being able to smell both her and his arousals. A twisted cocky smirk coloured his unnaturally handsome face. He loved his effect on women. He liked this one's... particular enthusiasm to abide to his every possible need. He almost felt sorry that tonight would be their last night together, but that didn't last. The idea of becoming the ruler of his father's kingdom excited him beyond limit. Tomorrow, he'd move to his new estate and there will be other women, as well as slaves suitable to kings.

Just thinking about that made his already unbelievable lust increases more, but tonight he'd have to settle on this slave he got from a Persian merchant.

Smoothly he put a hand on her cheek and let it slide all over her pale neck till it was finally on her shoulder. Irritated by the presence of her robe between their skins, he harshly asked, "Why are you still wearing that stupid thing, slave?"

Despite Omkara having her for a year now and the fact that he shared with her his bed dozens of times, he did not know her name and honestly he didn't bother himself to try to learn. He didn't respect them, his slaves and women. He saw them as tools to satisfy his unclenched hunger for sex................

"I think it's time for us, my lords, to pick a name. Lord manendra , I think it's your turn to have the honour to pick up the family name that will have to present the Gift to our noble prince," announced looking directly at Manendra. The old man simply nodded his head, but his distastes of what he was about to do shone from his ocean blue eyes.

"Well, would you give us the honour then?" asked Dandi.

Manendra walked slowly, with his cane's help, until he was standing next to Dandi. Stretching a wrinkled hand into the pottery pot placed on the table, he drew a closed paper. Manendra gave the paper to Dandi before shaking his hand and subconsciously wiping it on his pant leg. No matter how many times he watched them doing this, he always felt disgusted of such a task. Choosing a family to condemn of losing one of her daughters is something he would never get used to, but being one of the city elders, he had to despite his reluctance.

As he moved back, his ears caught Dandi announcing, "Shakti sharma will have to give one of his daughters as a Gift to our lord and protector, the dark prince. We will be sending two of the city guards to inform Him and come back with the chosen girl. I think that's all. Hopefully we won't be seeing you, my lords, anytime soon."

With that, the noise filled the large room as the men moved around to go back to their families, relieved that they didn't have to lose one of their daughters.

"Which family will they choose now, you think?" asked Mona.

"I have no idea, dear sister, but I don't feel so good about this." Gauri replied looking worriedly at her twin sister. "Mona, is it right to feel so scared?"

"Oh, don't be such a silly goose. What's the odds of picking our family from the entire village? I'd say you're just being very paranoid, gauri." Mona tried to comfort her two minutes older sister. Having the blessing of being born second had protected Mona from worrying about getting picked, but fate wasn't that generous on Gauri as well.

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