The door slammed open again and Adam stepped in again . He and a few companions with him who again dragged her o the torture room again , this time it was different , there was a metal bed and a machine beside it .

She was forcefully trapped to it , her hands and legs were bound to the metal and she was compelled to eat some sort of medicine swallowing  it dry , She decided indulge the Asian man "So what is it today ? "

Adam smiled , but it was not sweet rather sarcastic " it's a surprise. I'm sure you'll love it"

That's when a pair of headphones were pushed down her ears . She saw him backing away and a whine like voice rang in her ears it was so loud that she instantly became unaware of her surroundings . 

Her body shook with the frequency they played the sound with , she started straining at the binds but to no avail. Her scream resonated in the torture room , and so it went . This time they triggered her brain , they used a high frequency noise to make her tell them the conclusion to their theory. She knew they couldn't kill her because she had something that could cause havoc around the world the information she had acquired , so even when she was strapped to the metal bed-half naked as the high frequency sounds were passes through her ears-she was top priority.

When it stopped , she was sweating and gasping for oxygen , "Now , now Miss Smith , where is the memory stick?" asked the voice thickening with Chinese accent .

They tried out a different method that day was because they couldn't find any data on which they could spark off her weakness . Nothing . absolutely nothing . Its like she had no Achilles heel , no weak spot that's what made her fatally dangerous .

Probably because she didn't have one , or she didn't show one . 

The sound came again and she was prepared this time at least mentally. 

When she passed out , she faintly heard something being thrown away and an angry growl like shout . Again she was dragged through the same corridors and to the same room and thrown to the ground . She couldn't hear anything getting up-she silently she walked back to the metal bed and fell into a deep slumber , her exhaustion had reached its peak after two hours of mental agony . She never wanted this , any of this , alone and cold in the cell that was practically designed to depress you .

In the middle of the night she was awoken by some shouting , and dull thuds against doors , her ears weren't exactly in the condition to comply. Sitting up from the mental bed she looked around , her ears were not working due to the afflict they had performed on her like a lab rat .

Her ears could only hear distant noises made , her body shivered against the cold wall of the cell.

The light bulb hanging on the wall busted and there was clamors of shooting soon followed by uproars of help . Her hands covered her ears in a desperate attempt of blocking the commotions of the activities going behind the metal door .

Soon the door was threw open and her hope was lost , she couldn't hear anything silence ,that was the only thing she was capable of making out .She could only catch figures of camouflage it was all blur . Momentarily her eyes gave out and the only thing she could see was the outline of the someone walking towards her

They walked bending down at her level and widened their eyes at the sight , she could now see someone's face with light subtle beard and a Bluetooth hanging from his left ear . The face was vaguely familiar .She couldn't hear anything but was good at lip reading , she noticed his lips moving and her brain captured the sentences quickly .

'Oh dear '

She whispered the only words she could gather , "Who are you ?"

An undertone replied after a chuckle "your knight in shining armor" , there was something about the accent-

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