Chapter 91: Sophia's Fury

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"Stop being nice to me!" Her jaw became rigid. "I can't trust what you do or say, Lucas!"

Her words were like daggers piercing my heart, stabbing and twisting like a sharp knife.

I tried to speak to her again. "Sophia, you're cold. You need to wear this."

"No. I'm fine," she stubbornly said while still hugging herself.



I lowered my brown eyes to my feet. "I'm sorry."

"You keep saying that. But it won't make a difference."


I saw her wash her palms over her face,the cold night breeze fanning her arms and legs, the wind blowing her long brown hair everywhere.

"It's.. still difficult to process." Sophia exhaled. "This all feels delusive.I can't.. I just.."

"Sophia, calm down," I said, worried about her health.

A hollow laugh escaped her before she raised her brown eyes to mine. "You too, huh? You and Stacy are fretting over my fragile condition, but you both have inflicted so much damage."

She was angry. She had every right to be angry. "Please, Sophia. The stress will be bad for--"

"My heart?" she supplied, folding her arms in front of her chest. "What could possibly happen to me? You and Stacy.. have done enough."

"We didn't do this to hurt you," I quietly said.

"You think that's not happening now?" the brunette frowned, giving a wary sigh.


Another voice suddenly yelled from inside the building: "I don't need your help!"

It was Stacy, dashing down the stairs, her long golden hair bouncing, her dress like a fluffy red cloud as she hastily sprinted out of the marble building.

Behind her was my twin brother, brown-haired, blue-eyed, and in a black suit, he ignored the blonde's rudeness and proceeded to follow her out of the building.

Now there were four of us standing outside the Tech Center.

"Sop, let me explain myself," began Stacy, her voice hoarse, her face streaked with dry tears.

The brown-eyed brunette shook her head. "Please save your breath, Ace. I don't want to listen to you right now."


"In fact, I can't even stand to look at you." Sophia glared at her twin. "I'll go home alone."

Stacy's nude shoulders drooped, her spirits crestfallen. "No. Sop, you have to listen to me."

"Do you have ANY idea what you've done to me? Both of you." Sophia pointed at her sister, then at me. "Of course you don't. You were already satisfied just putting up a stage play."

"SOPHIA, listen to what I have to say!" Stacy boomed with agitation.

"I don't have to listen to anything you say," seethed Sophia as she took a step back from us.

"Sophia," I tried but she threw me a look filled with hatred, a look I never received from her before.

"You think you're so clever, don't you, toying with my feelings?" Her brown eyes flashed. "If there's anything I would compliment you for, it's being an Oscar-winning actor, Lucas."

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