Fools (part 2)

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Draco walked away right after seeing Harry on the ground, squirming and almost gaging. On his way back to the Slytherin dormitory, he thought of Harry's image on the floor once again and he felt a sharp pierce bolt through his chest which made him stumble to the ground and clench his shirt where he thought someone hexed him, but no one was around. He brushed it off and swiftly marched away.

A few minutes of walking, he finally reached his dorm and immediately dropped himself on his bed which made Blaise jump.

"Oh sorry mate", Draco chuckled as Blaise almost fell asleep but the blonde had surprised him.

"It's alright, I was just waking up anyway, so how'd it go with Harry?"

"Erm..I broke up with him and I left"

"Oh thank Merlin there was no beating up from anyone"

"", he was cut off by Pansy barging through their door and screamed,

"WHAT DID I MISS?", she was panting and reaching for her knees which made the two boys laugh.

"Nothing, Draco just broke up with Harry"

"He erm, took it well?", Draco asked more than said, Pansy furrowed her eyebrows but disregarded it and ordered the two to get dressed for class.

Draco was rushing towards Potion class because he fell asleep the class before, but he also wanted to be late seen as Harry was his Potions partner and wasn't ready for what wrath Harry was about to unload to him. He made his way into the room but, no Potter? He sat where the Gryffindor was supposedly seated and continued scanning the place in case he just decided to sit somewhere else, to Draco's dismay, he wasn't seen at all, nor Hermione or Ron. The boy grew worried, the class was already half way in but they still didn't barge in the door and be scolded by Professor Snape. He closed his eyes for a second and breathed slowly, he shouldn't care where Harry is, right? He hated him for Merlin knows how long and he's finally free from the presence of the boy, yet he still found himself thinking about him all day.

Every night, Draco grew worried for Harry as everyday he didn't show up anywhere, though his friends did. Sleepless nights and endless thoughts of Harry became a routine for the blonde. It had been about a week since they've broken up and Draco regretted it so much more than he thought he would. He'd finally realised how empty and alone he was without Harry, and he longed for Harry's touch once again, and to see his forrest green eyes which you could literally get lost in, heavenly smile that could kill someone instantly and everything about him that made Draco the happiest.

Draco grew weak and fragile the few weeks that Harry had been gone. He hadn't eaten for a while, slept for even a single night, or did well on his studies. His form growing scrawnier each day, his eyes grew red and underneath it were deep and dark bags. Each day had gotten miserable and painful without the one he truly loved, he needed Harry and would do anything to get him back. Pansy and Blaise grew concerned for the boy but couldn't bring themselves to talk to him because it might just set him off, though after a few days, they finally had the courage to help him and speak up.

Draco was seated on his bed, in an abyss. Pansy perched next to him and examined the mess that Draco put himself through.

"Dray, you need to talk to him, look at you", she pointed towards his features that had been dulled and bruised.

"I-I can't! I've hurt h-him enough, I don't want t-to do it again", Draco slowly started to sob quietly into Pansy's shoulder and she held him as tight as he could.

"I w-was a complete jerk to him! He'll never forgive me, I can't even fucking forgive myself for what I've done to him", Draco continued.

"Draco", he looked up at him with puffy eyes and his cheeks wet, "You love him, right?", Draco nodded slowly, tears still falling from his eyes.

"Then that's all that matters. You know he still loves you and you love him, besides you've changed, you're better now Draco, just go talk to him, okay?"

"B-but-", Pansy cut him off.

"Draco, pain is always gonna be there when you love someone, it's in the process of being happy and strong with the one you love. It's all gonna be worth it in the end because love can overcome anything. I promise things will get better soon okay? It just takes time and so much effort, and I'm so happy because you've been so strong all this time, just trust me on this one Dray", she glanced over to Draco who was sobbing even more and all Pansy wanted is for him and Harry to be happy, together, it also hurt her seeing Draco like this.

It had been a few days since Pansy had talked to Draco, and everything from there on went a lot better. His friends had been helping him through every little step until today, which is the day Draco will win Harry back.

It was their free period and Draco spent most of it trying to spot Harry, but instead he found Ron and Hermione. They would most probably just push him away from Harry but it was his last shot.

"Hi..erm, do you know where Harry is?", asked Draco.

"What the hell do you want Malfoy?", Ron fought back.

"I just want to say sorry for everything, and I really mean everything"

"He wants none of you okay?! You've done enough damage to him and-" Hermione got cut off.

"I know I've been a huge jerk to Harry and I know he won't forgive me, heck, I don't even forgive myself, and I will never forgive myself. I just want him to know that I am so so sorry for the suffering and pain I put him through, karma got me right after though. I realized how much I needed Harry and how much I loved him, I missed him those long 3 weeks and it felt like centuries to me. I wanted to be with him and hold him and kiss him because he makes me feel like the happiest and luckiest person in the world, and nothing could ever change that. I don't know why the hell I took him for granted before, it's the biggest mistake I've ever done in my entire life and I really just wanted to tell him that I've changed and I will never put him through anything like that ever again because..I-I love him so so much", Draco almost sobbed saying that last part because he knew that Harry wouldn't hear it ever again.

As he was about to leave, a piece of cloth unraveled itself and revealed Harry inside it, he looked like an utter mess, similar to Draco though, even worse.

"Harry!", he had the urge to hug him and kiss him but restricted himself because Harry wouldn't even forgive him for what he'd done.

"Only fools would ever forgive someone like you", Harry said in a stern voice, Draco gulped loudly and tried to hold back all the tears, clenching his fists and biting his lip.

"I'm sorry..", his voice trailed soft and quietly as he made his way out of their sight. Before he could go any further, he felt a grip turn him around on his arm, and he found the most beautiful emerald eyes he'd ever seen and soft lips that muttered, "and I'm one of those fools".

Before Draco could say anything else, he felt his lips pressed by soft ones, in a passionate kiss, his hands traveled Harry's hair and Harry's crawled it's way to his waist. They slowly pulled away and looked at each other longingly.

"I love you, Dragon"

"I love you too, Harry"

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