Fools (part 1)

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warning: slight abuse

Harry and Draco have been dating for the past 6 months now and yes, Draco did fancy him for a while but he was honestly sick of him, always wanting to kiss, or cuddle, or say sappy 'I love you's. Draco tried to give Harry the hint by reacting violently to mostly everything Harry said or did but obviously Harry was too oblivious.

They were walking together for breakfast and Harry snaked his hands around Draco's but he'd just immediately smack his hand away, Harry tried to lace their fingers once again but he always just avoids them until Harry had given up.

"What's your problem lately? You have been acting strange,"


"You call that nothing? Draco just please tell me, you know you can trust me right? I-",
Harry was cut off.

"I said it was fucking nothing okay! You never shut up about anything!"

"Draco no I didn't mean to-", Harry's face met Draco's hard fists as he got set off with Harry not shutting up.

"What the hell?!", Harry caressed his cheek and looked at the blood on his hands.

"I didn't mean it, you were overreacting!" I did mean it, it was because you're an absolute git.

"Oh so it's now my fault?"

"You're a total jackass! It was a fucking accident okay?!", Draco snapped, Harry was opened his mouth, about to say something but silenced because he didn't wanna further cause a scene.

They walked in awkwardness towards the Great Hall and no one spoke a word until they had separated and went to their own tables.

"I swear to Merlin, he'll be the death of me, and not in a good way!", Draco complained as he sat down across his friends.

Blaise and Pansy only just rolled their eyes because Draco had been whining about how much he hated Potter now.

"Then why don't you just break up? You can see he's hurting already", said Pansy.

"I kinda like seeing him suffer though"

"Draco seriously, look at the poor boy!", she pointed towards the Gryffindor table where Harry sat. He was on the verge of tears, but obviously trying to hold it back, covered in blood, his eyes lost its glowy emerald color, and his lips had obviously not curved to a smile anymore.

"Whatever Pansy, you can't just tell me what to do"

"Yes I bloody well can Draco Malfoy because you are going to Harry tomorrow and end this suffering for him, you got me?", said Pansy in her most stern and controlling voice. Draco sighed and just nodded in reply.

Harry rushed his way to where his friends sat and tried to cover his bloody wounds, though, failing miserably as it started to drip to his robes.

"Harry? What happened to your face!", Hermione was incredibly concerned and immediately whipped up her wand and casted Episkey.

"Just fell over at Quidditch practice"

"Quidditch practice? There wasn't one today mate"


Harry refused to tell them what had actually happened otherwise they'd force him to break up with Draco. Even if Draco was quite short tempered towards Harry these days, he loved him still and he just wanted to be with him even if it hurt.

"Fine, I hit the toilet because I slipped when it clogged and the water went everywhere..."

"That's it? Why didn't you tell us?", Hermione asked while Ron silently chuckled in the background.

"That", Harry pointed towards Ron who was obviously trying to hide his laugh which made Hermione slap a book on him and everyone broke out laughing as well.

The morning after, Harry woke up to someone banging on the door, he rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.

"Harry please open the door", Ron messily muttered as he covered his ears with pillows. Harry sighed and made his way towards the door, which was still being knocked harshly. He opened the door to reveal a Draco Malfoy on the other side. Ron looked up to see who it was,

"Bloody hell Malfoy, you're one mad lad, you are", he dropped his head on his pillow and passed out immediately which made Harry chuckle a bit.

"Hey Draco, Why are you so up early?", Harry said still half asleep and tried to peck Draco but he stepped back leaving Harry almost tripping over. He tried once more but Draco dodged him again which led to Harry forcefully grabbing Draco's waist and pull him in for a kiss. Though their lips had connected, Draco stood still like an absolute idiot. Harry pulled away removed his hands from him.

"What are you playing at Draco?", Harry said obviously with anger in his voice.

"Well I was knocking on the for ten minutes and you weren't answering!", the Slytherin fought back

"That's it? That is so petty Draco! You decide to act like you aren't my boyfriend just because I don't open a door at 3 in the morning, you know I feel as if you don't even-", he was cut off by Draco's voice,

"Love you? Because yeah I fucking don't"

Harry froze, he couldn't say anything or even breathe properly. His heart was racing and his eyes lost it's color, he felt as if this was worse than the Crucio curse, it hurt to speak or think or do anything at all. His eyes were locked to the floor and stood there completely still, drained of every emotion but pain and anger.

"Oh would you bloody say something, Potter!", Harry slowly lifted his head and looked Draco straight in the eye.

"You mean to fucking tell me that you never even loved me the past 6 months I have?! You mean to tell me that you decided to just play with my heart because you're Draco fucking Malfoy! What the hell is wrong with you?!", Harry spoke as he pushed Draco as hard as he can between each word, it hurt Harry like hell but he was still so furious about all those months that Draco'd been faking. He sobbed and screamed but Draco only made it worse.

"It's not my fault that you're so egotistic that you think everyone likes you! Not everyone will fucking like you, in fact most of them despise you, you fucking cunt, don't you dare speak to me like that again and don't you even fucking dare to show up to my face again.", he ended their conversation by slamming his fist across Harry's face and kicking him on the stomach, stomping away as he finished. A loud groan came from Harry which woke Ron up.

"Mate, what happened?!", he immediately rose and sprinted towards Harry. He brought him up to his bed and gave him some water and ice.

"Oh Merlin, I'm ready to beat his arse up!",
Ron was filled with rage, how could someone ever do this to someone who loved them so much?

"No Ron, just please get Hermione", Harry said weakly, his voice hoarse from all the screaming and groans, it hurt like hell, but not as much as it did when Draco said that he didn't love him. It bruised him more than when Voldemort tried to kill him.

Hermione hastily ran towards Harry's bed and cleaned up his wounds, "Harry where does it hurt?"

"My heart", Harry held back the tears, digging his nails to his palms which eventually bled and Harry winced. It didn't take much until Harry was sobbing his heart out, honestly death sounded much better than the suffering he was going through now.

Hermione and Ron stood by Harry's side the whole day, not bothering to attend classes anymore, yes even Hermione took the risk, they loved and cared for Harry more than anyone could imagine, and seeing him not being able to sleep, eat or do whatever, broke their heart.

there will be a part 2 for this so stay tuned for that! i'll be updating more too soon :)

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