Disney Films

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oKAY this was a cute concept but i couldn't write it well but i tried so here you go,,, also this is a muggle!au and both harry and draco are cute little 3 year olds <3

aLso im trying to write a wholE fic so pls tell me if you'd most likely read it or not hihi
- lia

Narcissa and James have been friends for the longest time, when they were kids up til high school. They had very split personalities but never failed to connect with each other, Narcissa was a feisty little girl and James was incredibly dorky. They've been through everything together even until the birth of their own children, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

They'd always hang around which meant that the kids loved spending time with each other, and it was a routine for them to watch Disney films every time they'd be together.

One night, Draco had begged and pleaded Narcissa for him to go sleepover with Harry. Lucius allowed him shortly after since they saw how happy Draco was whenever he was around his best friend.

Narcissa and Lucius dropped Draco off the Potters' residence, as they also needed to do some errands of their own but in reality, it was yet another excuse for Draco to spend time with Harry.

"Bye baby, We'll see you tomorrow, okay? You'll be hanging out with Harry for the rest of tonight", Narcissa said.

"Owaight mummy, I'll miss you!", Draco ran to her and hugged her leg, as it was the only thing he could reach.

"I love you darling, take care", Narcissa kissed Draco's forehead and left Draco with the Potters.

Harry and Draco waved their tiny little hands goodbye to Narcissa and Lucius as they drove off. When they were far enough so that the kids couldn't see them, Harry grabbed Draco's hand and ran inside the house as their giggles echoed all throughout the house. 

Harry tried to find James in the house, which until now isn't familiar with. To him it was still a giant maze to get lost in, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He finally spotted James standing by the counter and approached him, with Draco's hand still in his.

"Daddy! Would you pwease let us watch Beauty and the Beast?", Harry said pouting, and Draco following shortly after.

"Alright sugar, I'll ask mum to get the DVD", James chuckled.

The two lept in joy as if they've won the lottery and a few moments later, they were greeted by Lily and the DVD of their favorite movie. They excitedly crawled to the couch and waited for Lily to put it on the telly. Whilst doing that, James quickly got a soft fuzzy blanket to cover them up, and as the movie started playing, their heads nuzzled into each other and their bodies were a cuddling mess. They were tinier than anyone in the house so they did fit their whole body on the couch and laid comfortably with each others presence.

As the movie started playing, the two joyfully danced around in place and giggled of excitement. They awed and sang and again, tried to dance around, but decided against it because they were comfortable as is.

It was finally nearing the end of the movie as they reached the part where the beast turns into a handsome prince, and kisses Belle. The little boys giggled and questioned what kissing was.

All they knew was you'd do it with the person you love.

"Hey dragon", cooed Harry.

"Yes Hawwy?" (yes, Draco couldn't pronounce his r's very well)

"Don't people do that when they love each other?"

"Well, yeah I think so!", Draco nodded

"And Dray, I love you! But do you?", Harry tilted his head, very much ready to cry if Draco said he didn't

"I wuv you so much scawhead!", they both smiled

"Well then, can we do the thing they're doing?"

"Yeah, I think!"

"Okay then, let's do it!", Harry said excitedly

They both smile at each other, eyes glowing with pure innocence and bliss, about to kiss their best friend. Draco shyly puts his face closer to Harry's, and they shared a short but incredibly sweet peck on the lips. They covered their mouths as soon as they pulled away, but giggled not long afterwards.

"Should we tell Uncle James?", Draco asked as James coincidentally walks into the living room with them. They giggle even harder, trying to shush each other but failing miserably.

"Tell me what?", James chuckled

"I kissed Dray Dray daddy!"

"Yeah like they do in the movies!", Draco added.

James panicked and forgot how to handle this as a parent at as first, but later accepted that they were kids after all, not knowing what it really meant to kiss someone.

"Well, why'd you do it then?", James asked

"Because we wuv each other", Draco replied

"That's great! But I should tell you, kissing are for big people. It's good to show your love to each other but you'll understand what kissing really is when you're both older, okay?"

"Yes daddy!" "Yes Uncle James!", they said in unison. James chuckled and asked them if they wanted to watch another film, but Draco had already yawned and Harry's eyes were beginning to grow heavy.

"I wanna sleep da-", said Harry as he was cut off with the snoring of Draco, and soon after, his as well.

Lily walked in and both her and James awed at the two little boys cuddled and softly snoring on the sofa. Lily carried Harry while James carried Draco to Harry's room and proceeded to tuck them in and greet them goodnight. 

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