Paper Thin Walls

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Hogwarts was dull and lifeless now, though everyone did praise Harry Potter for saving them all, it only took them a matter of time to take in the damage it had done to the school and to the people.

The school continued accepting students after the war, and some stayed for eighth year which were Harry; he needed to graduate to become an Auror, Hermione and Ron; they wanted to support Harry since everything had been hard for him after the war, Draco; his father had forced him to attend as he wanted Draco to complete his studies, and Ginny; who wanted to support Harry as well.

Since the eighth years were so little of number, Mcgonagall assigned them the same dormitory though in different rooms, and the walls were thin as paper. Hermione shared a room with Ginny, and Ron with Draco, whilst Harry insisted having a room alone. 

There was a ball being held in honor of the five who were in the war (and the rest of who were involved), although Harry refused to go, it would just remind him of everything and he just needed something else on his mind.

Draco was buttoning his silky dark green robes whilst Ron went ahead since the blonde took forever to get his hair ready before he even dressed up. He was about to go, putting his shoes on until he heard a faint sob from the other side of the wall. He walked over to the wall and stuck his ear on it to hear if it was actually there or just in his head, the sob grew louder and Draco knew it was real. He got out of his room and knocked on Harry's door, which was the one right beside his.

The door opened slowly and there stood Harry with heavy eye bags, bloodshot eyes, messy hair and he looked very scrawny. "Hey, you okay?", Draco asked. Harry wasn't, obviously, but he thought it was the best thing to say.

"I don't know if you classify this-", he gestured his whole body, "as okay".

Draco frowned, "May I come in?". Harry nodded in reply and opened the door wider so that Draco could step inside. His room was a hell of a mess, his clothes laying all over the floor and his bed, some pieces of parchment were scrambled across the room and the rest were just in shambles. Harry went back to were he was on the bed and hugged his pillow, which was slightly damp from his tears. Draco sat in front of him in an Indian sit and examined Harry's face once more. He'd lost the light in his emerald green eyes, his hair was tangled everywhere, his lips which never smiled again, and his form was scrawny and thin.

"Why'd you come?", asked Harry.

"I heard you crying from my room, the walls are thin as paper.

"So why are you crying? I mean a ball was made for us, why are you upset?", Draco continued.

Harry held back the tears, clenching his fists and digging his nails to his palms but sadly failed and burst out quiet sobs. Draco laid down next to Harry and gave him the time to cry and let his feelings out, hugging him and shushing him softly. Harry buried his head into Draco's neck and wrapped his arm around his body, they stayed like this for a few minutes, enjoying each and every one. Harry sniffled once more and decided to speak,

"It's a-all my fault, it's my fault that Remus and Tonks are dead, they h-have Teddy! It's my fault th-that Fred is dead and G-George is grieving, i-it's my fault that Sirius d-died, everyone's death was my fault!", his sobs growing between each word.

"Shh, nothing's your fault okay? Without you, more people could've died but you prevented it"


"Hey, Harry, they chose to fight for you, it's not your fault that they love you okay? You are an amazing and brave hero, no one could have ever done that but you, you saved us from the darkest wizard of all time for Merlin's sake! Please Harry nothing's your fault, nothing at all, don't cry anymore angel", and with that Harry cried profusely but Draco kept holding him and Harry felt protected for once since the war.

He dampened Draco's gorgeous robes though and pouted, "Hey dragon, I'm sorry for destroying your robes", Draco chuckled and said it was okay. He was okay with anything just as long Harry's safe and happy.

"Hey Harry?"


"Would you please take a shower and eat? Since I want you to be healthy and all..."

"Mmm..But I'm so comfy with you!", Harry frowned.

Draco giggled at Harry's adorableness, grabbed his arm and led them to the bathroom. Harry growled at Draco and refused to step inside, "C'mon, just go and take a shower, it'll be quick I promise"

"I-I..uh", Harry stuttered, about to say something and stood there for a while like an absolute idiot, but Draco's absolute idiot of course. He decided to just go for it and smash their lips together. The kiss was soft and sweet, their hands were on each other's waist which crawled it's way into their hair. They slowly pulled away and painted a huge smile on each of their faces.

Harry looked up at Draco, "Would you come with?"

"Of course angel", Draco pecked Harry's lips which made Harry blush a bit.

They both went out from the steamy hot shower and picked out some comfy clothes, Harry wore an oversized sweater and some boxer shorts underneath, though, they couldn't be seen which made Harry look like he was wearing a dress and made Draco awe in his cuteness. Draco wore a Gryffindor jersey that said 'Potter' at the back and some of Harry's pajama pants.

They made their way to the bed and laid down under the soft sheets, looking at each other lovingly, Harry's eyes grew bright again, and his lips smiled again.

"You know I love your stupid gorgeous face"

Harry giggled, "I love you too, dragon"

They kissed once again, remaining soft and gentle yet filled with so much love. They laced their hands together, and Harry's legs were around Draco's. They cuddled all night long, not bothering to attend the ball anymore and just enjoyed their moment.

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