Improvising and Gardens

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"Ooh", Draco spat. He lounged his bag unto whoever was next to him, he assumed it was Crabbe, as he adjusted his robes.

He inched closer by the second, looking down at his beautiful small figure and his glowing emerald eyes and how his lips were so lush and pink. He bit his bottom lip and painted a wide smirk at the raven haired boy. He grew distracted of Harry's features until Pansy scoffed.

"I..erm", His heart faster and faster, unable to think of something to say.

"Erm..Dementor, dementor!!", A sigh of relief flushed over him and scurried along to the back with his friends, mocking a dementor.

Hermione scoffed and her grip on Harry grew tighter as she rolled her eyes at the blonde. She pushed Harry roughly so they could move faster, she wanted to be as far from Draco as possible.

Draco weaved through the forbidden forrest, it was dinner time but he decided to skip today. A shining light had caught Draco's eyes and he beamed, approaching the area where the light had come from.

A gorgeous garden filled with flowers that he and Harry loved were scattered around the lovely grass. He sat on the grass and played with the flowers, putting a daisy on his ear whilst he waited for his boyfriend.

A cough came from the entrance of the garden and Draco immediately turned around to see Harry, who was stunning as always. Draco jumped into Harry, giving him a giant bear hug which almost choked him.

"Dragon, I swear to Merlin I'll die because of you rather than Voldemort", Harry managed to speak.

"Sorry, I just missed you so much!", Draco pouted. Harry saw the flower on Draco's ear and it made him ten times more adorable, Harry couldn't stay mad at his cute little face.

"I missed you too", he pecked the blonde and dragged him along to his favorite spot in the garden, it had a perfect view of the sky and it also made lying down on the soil more comfortable, if that's even possible. They laid down on the grass, still hand in hand and talked until it was almost curfew.

"Great improvise", Harry chuckled sarcastically, as Draco rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if you weren't so hot, It would've been amazing!", Draco said like a three year old.

The two giggled as they stared at the sunset, hands locked together. Who knew enemies could create such a beautiful thing?

sorry this was really short! the next one will be longer i promise 🌟

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