Chapter 23: Sam.

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As we drove along the streets of downtown Louisville we quickly found Mary.

“How do you work this thing?” Charlie asked.

“You’re such an idiot.” I moaned “You press power and then record.”

“Oh,” Charlie smiled stupidly “that does work thanks man.” Then he put the camera down and got a real serious look on his face.

Aaron and Bryan were in the front seats and there was a wall in between us so I felt it was safe to ask.

“Man, are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just…it’s just…ugh, never mind.” He mumbled.

I could tell that there was something he really wanted to say.

“Just say it, dude.”

“Well, it’s kind of a secret.”

I laughed “A secret? How does a guy like you have secrets?”

“See,” He said “You don’t understand.”

He was being serous? Well, umm, that’s weird…okay, I’ll try.

“I’m sorry, dude. What is it? You can tell me anything. I can keep a secret.”

He looked up at me seeming very weary “Well, you know how I have a thing for Layla?”

“Yeah.” Where was he going with this?

“Okay well at the beginning of senior year there was that party that Branson couldn’t make it too and she was there all alone and I was there and …”

My eyes popped wide with realization “You hooked up with Layla?” I asked.

“Yeah, but it didn’t stop there. She’s been cheating on Branson with me. And not just physically.”

“So you two are like in a real relationship?” I asked stunned.

“Yeah, but…what if she was just playing with me too?”

“Wait, oaky, hold on. But you act so stupid and awkward around her.”

“Well whenever you see me with her Branson’s there too. Branson doesn’t know its awkward but for Layla and I it is. I could either let it be awkward or turn it into a joke that will make her laugh later. Today was especially awkward.” He sighed.

“You can make her laugh?”

He nodded.

“Like a real laugh? Not one that seems like she’s about to murder you?”

He nodded again, smiling.

I punched him in the jaw.

“Ow!” He hollered “What is it with all the hitting today, man?”

“Well, that was for betraying one of your best friends. Not cool, man.

“Yeah, I know. But when he met Mary it seemed less wrong because he spent more time with her then he didn’t with Layla.” He said.

“So what is it that you’re really worried about?”

“I’m sort of worried how she’s going to react that I’m here helping expose her as a liar. But mostly I’m worried all the things that she said were real weren’t.”

“Well right now we have to focus on helping Branson and you have to tell him about you and Layla. You can deal with her later. Okay?”

“All right.” He mumbled.

The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy. //+//A Complicated Love Story//+//Where stories live. Discover now