Chapter 20: Mary.

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A phone. That little bastard had gotten me a phone. And not just any phone, an expensive phone. A pre-paid for phone. So if I took it back it would just be wasting his money. I hate that little bastard, I hate him so much. And my house phone, he smashed it against the wall! He had left more than enough money for a new one though.

I turned the phone on and went through the contacts. Fist was Aaron. It had his email, his Facebook name, his mobile number, his home number, his birthday, and his address. There was even a picture of him sticking his tong out at the camera. Next was Branson’s contact, it had all the same information and the picture of him was a close up, his hair was falling perfectly in front of his crystal blue eyes. After Branson was Bryan. I already had a text from her.


Don’t you dare return this! I will kill you if you do. J

Lots of love, Bryan <3

I laughed and looked up at her contact picture. She looked like she had been laughing when then picture was taken. I moved on to Charlie’s contact next. He had been looking away when his picture had been taken. Lastly Sam’s contact. In his picture he was making a kissy-face at the camera. I laughed out loud but just then the phone rang. I looked down at the picture of the blue-eyes boy and clicked talk.

“Dear Branson,” Was the first thing I said.

“What?” He asked.

“Hush, I’m writing you a letter. So like I was saying. Dear Branson, you…are and idiot. My birthday is still months away and I’m not turning eighteen this year. I turned seventeen seven months ago. I won’t have a birthday until next year. Also, while a phone is a nice gift for a girl who’s just getting a group of friends, I do feel like you’re trying to bribe me into forgiving you for scaring the crap out of me earlier today. But because it’s pre-paid I will except your gift and grudgingly forgive you. This does not change the fact, however, that I simply don’t want to see you anymore, that being a stupid lie I don’t really have to tell because you know it’s not the truth.” I thought for a moment “Love, Mary.”

“That was a very nice letter.” He complimented me.

“Thank you.”

“So are you ever going to tell me the real reason?”


He sighed “Fine. But I do have some bad news.”

“Do you ever have good news?” I asked with a small laugh.

“Layla wants me to choose.”


“Between you and her.”

“What? Why?”

Just a part of the game, my darling. Layla’s voice echoed in my head.

“She says she’s tired of coming second and I have to choose. Her or you.” He sounded sad but this could be my chance. If he chooses her then he would start to stay away from me. I wouldn’t have to try so hard to keep away from him because he’d be avoiding me too. This could be it. I just had to play correctly.

“Choose her.” I said.

“What? Why?”

“Because I’m already playing, uh, I mean planning, on not talking to you. The only reason I do is because you do stupid things like show up in my hospital room, let me kiss you, pretend to be dead, and buy me expensive things that I have to thank you for. This way is just better for everyone.”

He was quiet for a long time.

“Choose her? You’re not even going to try? You’re so convinced that I’ll be better off with her?”

“No. I’m so convinced that I’ll be better off if you’re with her.” I mumbled. I had to end this before he talked me out of it “I love you, Branson. Goodbye.” And then I hung up. Hopefully he’d stay away from me and I would be out of here soon enough.

Only one more year here. Half way through next summer I could move into my dorm at which ever college accepted me. But what if none of the colleges accept me? All my work would have been for nothing. But I couldn’t let myself think like that. I had gotten perfect grades, I never once had a detention, I had an almost clean record, and all my interviews had gone really well. It’ll all be worth it.

Just then my phone beeped. It was a text from Sam.


Pretty hot kiss today ;)


Oh, yeah. I’d defiantly do it again, jk.


So have you talked to Branson?




How’d it go?


I told him to choose her.


WTF! Why would you do that?!?!?! :O


Because I’ve been trying to get him to leave me alone for weeks now and he hasn’t. Now we’re both telling him to leave me alone. He might start listening.


But you don’t really want him to leave you alone. Do you?


That’s beside the point.


It is not. I know it’s because of Layla, but I also know better than to say anything to him or her. What does she have one you?


I can’t tell you.


You can.


I won’t.


Fine that’s your choice.


Thank you.


Yeah, whatever. Listen I got to go but could you do me a favor? You owe me for that kiss J


Uh, I suppose I do. What is it?


Just think about what’s really important here and keep an open mind, okay?


That’s all?


That’s all.


Sounds easy enough.


All right, thanks. I’ll text you later. Bye. Mary


Bye, Sam.

Keep an open mind? I could do that. I have no idea what he was talking about but if it came down to it I would keep an open mind. Think about what’s important? Easy. What’s important is getting the hell out of here. No matter what.

The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy. //+//A Complicated Love Story//+//Where stories live. Discover now