Chapter 21: Branson.

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I don think I’ve ever been more confused by anything in my entire life. She told me to pick Layla and then said “I love you, Branson. Good-bye.” What the hell was that supposed to mean?

There was a knock at my bedroom door.

“Come in!” I called.

Charlie walked in and sat down on my bed, Aaron and Sam right behind him.

“I promise to never kiss you again.” I sighed “No matter how great it was.” He said sarcastically.

“Shut up.” I laughed throwing my football at him.

 He caught it in one hand.

“So.” Aaron said “Have you made up your mind?”


“Why not?” Sam asked “I see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her. Mary that is.”

“But it’s not fair to Layla. What has she done? Nothing. It’s not her fault I met Mary. And besides Mary will be leaving for college next year and so she’ll be out of the picture anyways. I think I should just choose Layla. That’s what they both want.”

Charlie was staring at his hands nervously, like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t.

“No! No, no, no!” Sam yelled punching my door with his fist “That’s not what Mary wants. I’m not exactly sure what it is that she wants yet but I know that’s not it. You have to go get her, Branson. You’re not even trying. She’s not fighting for you because you haven’t given her a reason too. You have to try. You have to get in your car right now and go see her. Now!”

“But I just dropped my car off at the shop like thirty minutes ago.”

“Then I’ll drive you.” Aaron said “Sam’s right. You can’t expect her to fight for you unless you’re willing to fight for her.”

I looked at Charlie.

“LET’S DO THIS!” He screamed.

I smiled and we all got in the car and drove to Mary’s house for the second time that day.

I tried calling her five times and the fifth time the little automatic voice informed me that she had blocked my number.

“Bitch.” I mumbled.

“What’d she do?” Sam asked, amused.

“She blocked my fucking number.” I grumbled shoving my phone back in my pocket.

“Well, that’s okay because we’re here.” Aaron said hoping out of the car and running up to her door and knocking on it rapidly.

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