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Almost a year has passed since Anti first sliced his way into my life. The 'A' healed over toward the end of the summer. Of course, we kept his existence a secret from my mom and most others. With another year of school under my belt, however, I developed new enemies. Though Baker had a simply tragic incident, many were willing to take their place. I grew a pair after beginning to date Anti, and some people had an issue with my self confidence. Fortunately, I somehow kept him from killing any of them.

However, the year is over and I'm free to spend time with him again. My mom went out to visit a friend again. She wasn't as nervous to leave, this time, since I handled living "alone" so well, and she said she'd be gone for a bit longer than last time. I told her that was fine by me.

During the first week of summer, I'd almost become nocturnal. I usually slept until about 10AM, and went to sleep at around 4AM. Whenever Anti's around, I always feel less tired. Maybe he messes with my sleep so I feel more refreshed. It gives us more time to spend together while I'm awake.

I open my eyes to morning sun filtering through my blinds. My back is held firmly against Anti's chest and his arm is wrapped tightly around me.

"You still hold onto me like I'll disappear if you don't," I joke, yawning.

"It's a precaution." His cold breath dances across my skin as he kisses the crook of my neck. As he reaches my jawline, I turn to meet him, running my hands through his hair as he pulls me closer.

When I break away and attempt to stand up, I'm unsurprised to find that his iron grip keeps me in place.

"Let me go, Anti," I sigh.

After a moment of hesitation, he releases me and I get ready for the day. When I head down to the kitchen, Anti's already there. I brew and pour a mug of coffee, sitting down on the couch next to him and leaning on his shoulder. He scowls at the mug.

"I don't understand why you love that stuff."

"You need fear. I need caffeine. Side note: Would you be mad if I began to call it 'dirty bean juice'?"

"I will shatter your phone and laptop."

"I won't, I swear, I was just joking." I press my phone to my chest protectively.

When the sun goes down, Anti wraps his arm around my shoulder. I look over at him to see his eyes glinting with mischief. They're glowing brightly and he wears a wide smile.

"I've got something to show you," he says.

"Will this involve blood? Should I change out of a light shirt?"

"You'll be fine... probably," Anti says, dismissing my worry unconvincingly.

Before I can protest, we're already surrounded by a pine green mist. And when it leaves, another mist covers my eyes, blinding me.

"Well this is new," I mumble, reaching out to find where Anti is in relation to me. He walks behind me and places his hands on my shoulders.

Anti guides me down a hallway. There's a hardwood floor beneath me, and it seems like I'm in a fairly closed area. He steers me to the left, down another hallway, and then finally through a door to the right. The ground beneath me changes to a soft carpet and into a slightly more open room.

"Ready?" he leans forward and whispers into my ear.

A shiver runs down my spine, and I nod. The fog disappears from my eyes and my stomach churns. Not only do I feel sick, but I also feel overwhelmingly happy.

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