Chapter 10: The Final Pedestal

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When I finally calm down, I see that Anti is watching me intently from the corner of the room. He's perfectly still and silent – the only reason I saw him at all was because of his glowing eyes.

"This doesn't disprove my previous statement," I say, pointing at him without looking in his direction. I sigh and begin to sit up, wincing as the 'A' glows red as Anti disappears.

When the pain subsides, I get out of bed and get dressed. As I put on my new shirt, I look down at the 'A'. I trace my finger along it gently, finding the skin only marginally rougher than the skin around it.

I hope that's not permanent, I think. Then, I take another moment to look at it, squinting in thought. ...It's probably permanent.

Though I hate to admit it, the majority of that nightmare was exhilarating – invigorating, even. It was a rush, and I was nearly enjoying it, until the end.

I head downstairs, ignoring the demon  sitting on the couch, playing with knives. I throw a bagel into the toaster and wait for it to pop back out. Anti's attention gradually turns to me. I sigh internally, hoping that he won't speak to me.

Of course, he gets up and swiftly teleports right next to me. He tilts his head to the side, eyes scanning me.

"Why do you always wanna go out?" he asks.

"In all honesty, it's partially to get away from you," I say. "I'm uncomfortable around you."

Anti puts a hand to his chest, feigning a shocked and hurt expression. "But why?!"

I roll my eyes. "Oh, I dunno. Maybe it's because you've carved your initial into my chest, given me horrible nightmares, if I do something you don't like your initial burns me, you've nearly killed me... need I go on?"

Though I feel the anger building up inside of me, I fight to keep my voice steady so I don't trigger his anger. It's a terrible thing that I'll have to try to avoid, flaring up at the slightest inconvenience and followed by massive consequences.

Anti begins to laugh, the high pitched laugh that always makes my stomach drop and sends goosebumps running down my arms. When my bagel finally pops out of the toaster, I nearly jump from the tension.

"You're fun," the demon finally says. I sigh, deciding to leave the house as soon as possible.

"Are you finished speaking with me?" I ask, careful not to leave before he's done.

"I guess," Anti replies, turning away from me. "See ya tonight!"

With a knowing sigh, I grab my bagel and head out the door.

When I go to bed, I make sure to have a glass of water nearby to calm me when I wake up. I pull the blankets up to my chin for a final bit of comfort before falling asleep, surrendering to whatever new nightmare Anti has planned for me.

I'm back on the pedestal. Though I could definitely re-experience the terrors behind me, I decide to go for something new. Still, there's also Anti, grinning in front of me with the wickedly sharp knife. Swallowing hard, I begin my trek towards him. I walk confidently, yet with each step I feel more fright. For some reason, though, I feel like I'll probably prefer Anti's torture to the other options. When I stand before him, he grips my throat and pulls me closer to him.

"Good choice," he giggles, as my vision fades to black.

When I open my eyes again, I'm at the entrance of my school... kind of. The entrance is the same, and the interior is made of the same material with an identical tile pattern. The hallway seems to continue behind me infinitely, with two classroom doors in the wall opposite each other every fifteen feet or so. Outside, Anti looks in at me through the glass doors. Behind him is a grayish void.

"Let's play hide-and-seek," I hear Anti explain from inside my head. "You hide, and I find you. You have thirty seconds."

Immediately, I bolt out of the room. The demon's shrill voice counts down in my head. The main hallway seems endless, and most of the doors are locked. As my time runs low, the glass door shatters. I turn back for an instant to see Anti entering the school with his eyes closed. He begins to walk forward. Each lightbulb he walks underneath bursts, a shower of sparks falling down. Every time he passes a pair of doors across from each other in the hall, the doors fly off their hinges, hitting the far walls of each classroom.

In my panic, I find an unlocked room. I don't read the room number, and all the doors look identical, so I can't think of where I am. He can still read my mind, so that'd be a dead giveaway. When my time runs out completely, I hear Anti humming from the hallway. With each step he takes, I feel the 'A' on my chest pulsate with a burning scarlet light.

Without thinking, I crawl into a cabinet and move into the corner, trying to find a blind spot for anyone who looked in. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think about anything but where I am. Each time, there's a 'bang' from doors flying back, I flinch.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." The doors of the room I'm in fly open, and the corner of the door hits the cabinet. I bite my lower lip.

My heartbeat races as his steps lead him closer to my hiding spot. His footsteps stop a few steps away from the door, and I wonder if he'll leave. I hold my breath, still trying to think about other things so Anti won't find me.

The silence continues for a while.

Suddenly, the cabinet door is ripped away, and I'm greeted by the glowing heterochromia eyes of Anti. He wears a manic smile, baring sharp fangs.

"Found you~" Anti sings with a crazed giggle.

The 'A' on my chest emits a searing pain, like my skin is actually on fire. Anti grabs my arm and yanks me out from my hiding spot. My head hits against the tiles with a sickening 'crack'. My vision blurs, but I can see the demon move over me. He presses the tip of his knife to my stomach, right underneath my navel.

Anti keeps eye contact the entire time, applying more force to the weapon. When I try to turn away, his other hand wraps around my lower jaw and the top of my neck, forcing my head to continue facing forward. My eyes flit from his to the beginning of a gash along the bottom of my stomach.

As the blade penetrates my skin, he slowly begins to slide it to his right. The knife is embedded five inches deep, ripping through whatever organs may be in its way. A fountain of blood makes its way up my throat, and a cough sends a river trailing down the right side of my face, neck, and into my shirt. Anti slides the blade the opposite way, to his left.

Without warning, he rips out the object and stands. I use both arms to hold my stomach. It feels like my intestines will fall out if I don't. I continue to lay on the ground, blood pooling up in my mouth. Anti leans against the counter, still watching me and gliding the reddened knife along his tongue. The blood pooling in my mouth is blocking off my air, and I'm incapable of stopping the flow from the large wound in my stomach. Eventually, I pass out from blood loss – my last sight a sinister smiling Anti, red fluid tinting his tongue a darker pink.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "Plaything" as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments and votes are super appreciated. Thanks for reading! ~Blue

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