Chapter 28: Bernice Baker

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I leave Anti a while later to take a walk. It's late in the afternoon. This time, I avoid the cafe so I don't run into Bernice Baker. My feet guide me to a tea shop, where I take a seat at one of the high chairs opposite the window. I stare into my cup of tea absentmindedly. Well, not completely. Most of my thoughts are centered around what Anti's said.

Am I really that different? ...Probably not...

Still, I'm not sure.

I stare at my iced tea, twirling the straw and causing the ice cubes to clink together and against the inside of the cup. Droplets of water form on the sides, occasionally slipping down to the table underneath. Most dampen my hand when I pick up the cup. People mingle around me, a river streaming around a single rock. On the tv, I notice that the news has finally moved on from Arendt and Lukas's murder, but they were still mentioned when I'd first walked in.

As I sit and try to distract myself from all the stuff going through my mind, the door opens. The person goes to the counter and orders. A couple minutes later, I feel a pair of eyes on me. Looking up, I find myself staring into the eyes of Bernice Baker. They don't hesitate to storm over to my seat, leaning over the counter beside me. Unfortunately, we're in a more public space, so I can't assault them. Also, I finished my iced tea, so I can't even pour that on them.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are..." They begin their rant. I put my elbow on the table and rest my cheek against my hand, watching them with disinterest.

"...and you'd better believe that your mom's job is gone. I'm having my father take care of this immediately. Just you wait until school starts back up. Everyone will hate you. I'll make sure of that."

"Hm. Thought you'd be afraid of going back to school," I muse out loud. They freeze.

"What did you just say?"

I scan them for a moment, trying to decide whether or not I should reveal what I know. If they think that I'm some kind of dream demon, there are two outcomes: 1) They'll be terrified of me and leave me alone or 2) They'll call me a freak and make my life a living hell.

Really, there's no downside, I think. Baker already hates me, and they try to make my life a living hell, anyways.

"Your nightmare," I say. "After the nightmare you had I thought you'd be afraid of school. Y'know – People watching you and stuff."

Baker freezes, staring at me with disbelief. Outcome one or outcome two? I wonder.

Their expression turns to fury. Outcome two.

"You were the one behind that? I don't even want to know how you did it but you are so dead."

Baker's usually pale face is completely reddened with rage. A couple strands of their perfectly-styled blonde hair are out of place, as if to emphasize that they're angry. Two manicured hands are balled into fists at their sides. If their skin wasn't always perfectly smooth, a vein would probably be pulsing on their neck.

Without warning, a cold arm wraps around my waist. Before I can punch the man behind me, I recognize the arm. Baker's eyes switch from mine to those of the demon behind me, suddenly becoming less aggressive. They smooth their "ruffled" hair and straighten their posture, smiling at Anti. Their smile falters as they notice his arm around me. For once, I'm not annoyed by his random appearance.

"Who's this?" they ask, suddenly not angry. "I don't think we've met. I'm Bernice."

I glance back at Anti, who's smirking, eyes glinting with malignity. Baker apparently interprets it as attraction – that idiot.

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