Chapter 3

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The first thing the agents asked Robert and Tony of were to ride with them to a facility in Tucson. Five minutes into the drive and Tony was out like a light which left Robert to answer or ask any questions. Ones he might feel uncomfortable with his emotionally sensitive boyfriend hearing any of it. Also, he wanted to know where they were going just in case something happened or it turned out the agents couldn't be trusted he would know where they were. The first question Robert had was obvious.

"What does this PETCAMPS Organization actually do?" he asked curiously. Agent Ryan looked in the mirror and saw Robert's arm around a sleeping Tony. As he held him close, there was a serious look on his face as he glared daggers at the agent. Apparently to the reports they read on him and local witness accounts he was the most well respected and loved young man everywhere he stayed at. So the fact that he had that look on his meant he was either pissed; being protective; treading lightly; curious or all of the above, probably even more than that. So despite proper standard procedures of instructive tutorials he decided to tell him everything, 'cause obviously, this kid meant business and from what a lot of reports of those he stuck up for, he was not one to be messed with, so he spilled.

"To put it simply we protect kids like you" he tried to keep it simple.

"You're going to have to go into more detail than that. For starters, what are you protecting us from? How did you know where to find us? What are we training for? Are there others like us? If you're recruiting people, why young people and not adults?" Robert kept spouting off questions one right after another not giving Agent Ryan a chance to answer. Ryan decided to start off his answers in a unique way.

"You know Presidents John Kennedy, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan"


"Actors and actresses of superpowered shows and movies such as Alyssa Milano, Chris Evans, Selena Gomez, Stephen Amell, Melissa Benoist, Grant Gustin, Robert Downey Jr., Christain Kane, Joseph Morgan, and Matt Ryan"

"Okay. Where are you going with this?"

"Also, singers such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Utada Hikaru and Demi Lovato."

"Seriously, get to the point" Robert was losing his patience with this man all he was doing was listing famous successful people off. 'Wait a minute' he thought. His eyes grew wide and the look of shock appeared on his. The Agents saw the expression on his face and knew he put two and two together.

"He's a sharp kid" Agent Flora complimented.

"So all those celebrities were just like us" Robert screamed in shock. As he did Tony shifted in his sleep. He looked down and was relieved to see he didn't wake him.

"Correct saying would be 'are'. Are like you." Flora corrected Robert.

"They all were kids or young adults who went into the program. They had extraordinary power and when they no longer needed guidance they decided to go out and make themselves well known in their own way." Ryan told him.

"Why would they do something like that, you know become famous. Wouldn't they be afraid of being discovered and hated?" Robert curiously asked

"You would think so. But that's not the case. For one, you kids have a certain essence you give off from the mark on your body allows those to accept and like you for who you are and what you stand for. It's a certain trait you kids share." Flora explained

"So no matter what would happen or what we did we would still be liked and adored by a mass number of people," Robert asked. Obviously, he was worried by due to the horrified look on his face.

"Yes, as long as you stay true to your beliefs and stay on the path of light" Ryan stated seeing Robert's horrified expression at Flora's explanation.

"Path of light?" Robert's worried expression seemed to of faded.

"Meaning as long as you continue to have a good and true nature people will love and follow and the more that happens, the more powerful your powers and the trait grows," Flora answered.

"Second, it's a good way to keep the darkness at bay." Ryan continued.

"What Darkness?" Robert had an inquisitive look on his face.

"Every Child is born with powerful light in their souls. Eventually, it withers by the time their adults. But, sometimes instead of withering it becomes powerful and continues to grow until this shows up." Ryan took the glove off his right hand and there was a twelve-pointed star on it. Robert was confused.

"Why is yours different " It was fair to question.

"Earned it" Ryan gave a short reply.

"That's vague," Robert complained

"Well I'm not even supposed to tell you any of this or even show this to you, so be grateful"

"Sorry, sir," said Robert as he gave an apologetic look. Ryan smiled at the fact of how polite and understanding this kid was. If was any other kid he was talking to he'd yell at them and start complaining. These two kids might have what it takes for the next generation. He figured it was best to continue.

"Anyways, when they a perform good deeds with there light, it does several things. One, it allows the life of the lights in young people to expand to others. Two, it dispels negative forces that wish to harm the world. Three, it gives people the ability to think positively in a cruel world that would normally bring you into the depths of despair. Finally, it allows them to properly maintain order without attracting unwanted attention to themselves. Sometimes the battles and adventures you see on the screen are real things they've had to experience" Ryan continued as he turned into a Bookman's parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" Robert asked as he woke Tony up as they all climbed out of the car.

"Going to the entrance of the facility and meeting the others" Ryan answered like they should've known already. He took off his glove and the star on his hand glowed as it then shot a beam of light at the door. A giant keyhole of light appeared as it then expanded covering the door.

"Well, shall we get going," Ryan said as he gave a friendly gesture for them to go forward before the two agents. They then walked through the entrance leading to the facility as the entrance dispersed into shards of pure light energy and was sucked into the atmosphere.

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