Closing my eyes, I took some practice breaths and steadied my racing heart and opened my eyes slowly. I knew this was just a temporary fix, that once I fixed my head tonight, that the problems would still be there tomorrow. I was still going to have to face it.

I should go home.

But I don't..

Opening the car door, I get out and lock it up before making pace to the front door, giving a few pounds with my fist and waited. The black door opened after a few seconds by a large burly man, who eyed me with skepticism, no doubt wondering why a decently dressed man with over $3000 sat on his wrist was wanting to get in.

Pulling out a $100 bill, I stuffed it into the man's palm and slipped inside the dark corridor. My racing thoughts which flashed through my head with vivid colours and noise slowed a fraction.

I knew what I needed, now I just had to obtain it.


Dark eyes opened slowly, taking in the make up that had been placed upon my face. My eyelids were smoky, every lash coated with mascara making them curvy and wide, whilst my brown orbs absorbed every little detail. My face had been dusted with light foundation and powder, my lips had been highlighted with red lip stick. My dark hair was up into a pony tail, the length dancing down my back, almost tickling my lower spine as it shifted.

Looking down my body, I took in the gold studded bra that pushed my chest up, accentuating my bust like never before, my stomach was flat and the leather pants I wore hugged my legs like a second skin. Despite my toned stomach, I had the curves, something every man complimented me on. They appreciated my hourglass shape, they appreciated holding me against their bodies. Whispering things into my ear that would make any man or woman blush. Sometimes things so vile that I felt repulsed by the opposite sex.

I knew most of them were intoxicated, that's what they came here for. I was simply there to calm the fights that often rose when two customers couldn't handle themselves or their drinks.

The door behind my opened abruptly making me turn in my seat, instantly. "Dammit Angel, I could have been changing." I complained looking at the large man dressed in black.

Angel was our security, a man I trusted with my life. Especially when a brawl broke out, although one hadn't happened recently, it doesn't mean one won't happen at all...

"Sorry Leah, but you better come with me."

I sigh and toss the makeup brush I had between my fingers back onto the side. Sliding out the seat, I made my way out the dressing room and followed Angel down the corridor.

"I'm clocking out Angel, I'm—"

"I know but you need to see this." He insisted turning off right then taking the first left. I could walk down this building with my eyes closed and still find the room or item I was looking for. Observant is what my mother used to call it, I used to call it a pain in the ass. Seeing things a few times and knowing where it is and what was going on the second I saw it.

Stopping outside one of the rooms, I looked at him questioningly. "What?"

Angel flicked the switches on the side of the door, making the small engaged light turn red before opening it up and ushering me inside.

Now for most, they would question his motives, but Angel was devoted to his wife, who had just given birth two weeks ago to a little baby boy. With 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect little toes. With a stinky diaper, at least the baby smelt when I got a hold.

I was about to give Angel an ear bashing and drive home the point that I was leaving, when my eyes landed on the man slumped in his seat. I paused, my mind trying to deceive me, trying to tell me that he wasn't really here and this had been a joke. But he was here.. in the flesh.

My lips parted gently as a small gasp slips out. He's really here again..

"I figured he would need you." Angel whispered.

I look back at Angel and nod "Thank you."

"Any problems..." He trails off.

"You'll be the first to know. Thanks again." I smile letting Angel slip out the room. Reaching back, I lock the door and kept my eyes focused on the two way mirror, watching the man as I walk to the second door and enter the room.

He didn't move, his head was hung low as he looked at the whisky in the glass, a drink he had always ordered but never drank.

He was back, which meant things weren't good. Swallowing the nerves down, I came across the room and took the glass from his hand. Knocking back the liquid, I placed the back of my hand across my mouth and coughed gently at the burning sensation that engulfed my chest from the drink. I then placed the glass on the table beside him.

I always wondered if he bought the drink for me or if in fact he intended to drink it. Either way, whenever I met him, he would be nursing the glass, staring at it with such loathing. As if the liquid swishing in the glass offended him, although sometimes he would lift the glass to inhale it, but never drink it...

"What's a man like you, doing in a place like this?" I ask, remembering the very first conversation we shared.

His lips curve "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

I smile and lean forward whispering "Who said I was a nice girl?"

His smile grew a little more. Slowly, he raises his head and a pair of grey eyes looked up at me, stealing the breath in my lungs like it had done for the very first time.

"Who's in tonight? Aaliyah or Leah?" He asks watching my reaction, carefully.

Wetting my lips, I remove the hint of whisky from my mouth causing his eyes to fall at my action. I smirk at the power move as I try to gain some control over this. He had been one of my first clients, I knew he was different and so when he asked for my real name, I told him, instantly. Breaking nearly every safety protocol and rule within this place.

"Well Aaliyah means Elevated, so are you looking to get high?"

He shook his head "I'm looking to be grounded."

I smile softly at his correct answer, confirming my suspicions that things were bad.

"Hey Leah," He greets me.

"Hey baby."

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