Halo AU- Rites of Passage

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Based on the HALO Universe. 

Never have I ever wanted something so badly that I’d kill for it. But it happened. So here I am, a fugitive in an increasingly lawless world, holding in my hands the greatest gift - and curse - to humanity. If word of it is leaked to the public ear, I have no doubts that I will also be killed to get it. Just as I did to get it. Just as will be done to me. I have only limited time, so you must listen. Listen and save humanity from the poison that we have been drinking since the day that we set foot on this earth.

I know the truth. I know of the lies that we have been told. The lies that will lead to our downfall. The lies that were seeded in truth. The truth that was destroyed by the lies. Once you have heard and read my message, burn the papers, destroy the disks, so that it will never fall into the wrong hands. You will not know me, but I know everything about you. I know how you despise those whom you work for. Ho you despise those who have no regard for others. How impossible it is to live out your life. How you yearn to be something greater, something larger, better. I chose you to carry my message, because you too share something with me, with the maker. Something embodied by the blood that runs through your veins. We are the same person, in different skins. Embrace your lineage! Do not hide from it. It will save you when nothing else will. It will be there when everyone else leaves you.

Do not tell anyone or the will find you. Just as they found me.

Save yourself.

This is my message from the Prophets.

Dammit. They-they’re coming. For me. For you. For everyone. For everything. They will spare no one. No man, woman or child will be left when they are through.

Read this quickly. No! Impossible! Forty-five. Eighty. Forty-five! Eighty! The numbers. The screams. The blood of those who came before. The cries of those who knew their doom. The code. Know it! Run! Hide! Do not look back, no matter what happens. Read the pages. Burn them. Listen to the disks. Watch the disks. Destroy them. Or I will be sent to finish what has already started. I will not and cannot spare you any mercy.

You have been warned.

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