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Heyyo, and now we are finally back to my ideas and yours if you have any, and will no longer be slaves to my brothers very spontaneous creativity spikes.
Wow, I now that I've read that over it sounds super fancy, and smartish. I feel shmart

Anyhow onto todays execution method:
Step 1. Peel an apple
Step 2. Dip the skin of the apple in
Step 3. Stick the skin back onto the apple.
Step 4. Feed the apple to your victim


And there you have it, another relatively simple way of eliminating your target.

Also I just want to say thank you to everyone for reading and voting on this bool, I never thought that I would get over 800 reads and more than 150 likes so i just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who has read and liker this book.
G out.

101 ways to kill people with an AppleWhere stories live. Discover now