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Our journey out of Vertaki was rushed and soaked. The grass squished under our boots and mud splashed up behind us. Behind Vertaki was a pine forest, blowing in the harsh winds that had been summoned just moments ago. As we entered the forest, branches swung downwards and snapped off, emitting the loud and pealing noise of wood snapping under its own weight.

Eventually, we rested from our breakneck pace and set up camp in the large pine forest. The fire was extremely difficult to start as the wood around us was wet. Eventually, we were able to start one by the sparks of cour weapons being clashed together, small twigs, and pine needles.

The calming noises of the now quiet breeze through the trees was interrupted by a comment from Jax. "What do you think you two will do after all of this?"

"What do you mean? Meredith inquired simply.

"I mean after this prophetical adventure." He put a sarcastic emphasis on the last two words as if it wasn't that big of a deal. "What are you two going to do? I mean it's not like Cosmo has a normal life to return to, and as far as what you've told me about yourself, Meredith, I don't believe you ever had one to begin with."

"I think I'd just like to stick with Cosmo." Was Meredith's immediate response. I flushed and I could feel heat on my face other than the fire. Jax started laughing and making jokes. "I didn't mean it like that! Just, well... I have no one else to stick with. I don't think I'll even know who my parents are, and it's not like I necessarily want to go back to the streets of Hielos."

"You used to live on the streets of Hielos?" I asked, a little too intrigued. I felt guilty for my tone afterward.

"Yeah. I never told you? I guess that's what makes me so sneaky." She giggled and I was in shock both about how cute it was and that she could giggle about something so sad.

"So," Jax addressed me. "other than totally get married to Meredith-"

"Oh, be quiet." Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Fine." Jax put his hands up in a surrendering pose. "It was so a funny joke, though."

"Sure," I replied flatly.

"What are your plans, Cosmo? You've been a little quiet." Jax asked.

"I dunno... the Followers destroyed Oase, and it doesn't look as though anyone is interested in rebuilding." I thought about the end of our adventure and sat in the silence, with the night creatures of the forest singing their songs and the campfire crackling embers into the night sky. I looked up and the sparks almost looked like the beautiful stars that dotted the clear, black sky. "Well, my first step is definitely to return to Reedport. I wonder what Lysander and Donovan will think of me then.."

"And then? Is that all you have?" Meredith sniggered again.

"I guess maybe live in Reedport. Or in a bigger city. Get a job somewhere peaceful. Maybe become a rancher-" I planned, but was interrupted.

"A rancher?" Jax laughed. Lord Evander must've taught him cannonball laughter, as Jax's laugh was almost just as loud. "You sound like an old man ready for retirement."

"He's got a point," Meredith smirked.

"Well, it's not like I had my whole life planned out to begin with." I countered. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Don't you want to keep living this life of adventure?" Jax asked, smiling and raising his eyebrows. "You could become the lord of a village or a general. You could even join a raiding party and take down threats that oppose any village."

"Well," I started, already smiling at his somewhat naive train of thought. I then realized I had no room to talk. "Lords tend to be stressed all of the time because they are taking care of an entire town or village. Generals are targeted in most wars. The enemy usually realizes that an army is no longer uniform without a general. And being a raider not only gives you a price on your head but also increases your chance of death on a mission by a ton."

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