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Eunseo- I'm bored as hell

Coups- same here and I can't do anything about it

Eunseo- it's my day off from school and I've got nothing to do.

Eunseo- like all my friends are probably going out right now at the beach and I'm stuck here alone because I don't want to seem like a loner when I go out

Coups- at least you could choose to go out or not

Coups- I've got to stay inside all day

Coups- same with the others

Eunseo- whys that

Coups- problems

Eunseo- um yeah ok

Eunseo- but I'm still bored

Coups- do I look like a freaking genie

Eunseo- don't think of yourself as that magical

Coups- that hurts

Coups- but surprisingly even Seungkwan is bored. And he usually has lots to do

Eunseo- maybe I should just go shopping or something

Eunseo- it's getting really hot in my dorm

Coups- you're gonna leave me here to suffer

Eunseo- I said maybe

Eunseo- I'm not sure

Coups- well good

Coups- cuz talking with you makes me feel better

Eunseo- are you sick or something

Coups- no, I'm just bored

Eunseo- not even hoshi has any ideas??

Coups- not one

Eunseo- Seokmin??

Coups- nope

Eunseo- that's even sadder for them



Coups- they're just too stupid to realize it

Eunseo- not surprised honestly

Coups- that's rude -Seungkwan

Coups- dammit

Eunseo- whatever

Eunseo- you're friend is weird anyways

Coups added Seungkwan

Seungkwan- no I'm not

Coups- says one out of the three who danced to an Orange Carmel song at least 5 times

Seungkwan- don't judge me

Eunseo- how do we not

Seungkwan- ....

Seungkwan left

Eunseo- he's to much of a diva for me to handle

Coups- he could be worst

Coups- trust me

Eunseo- I believe



Eunseo- you're out now

Coups- yup

Coups- I'll talk you you later

Coups- we're a gonna go get food

Eunseo- ok bye

Coups- bye bye


My Astro story is gone, and I have no idea what to do about it. I'm honestly so mad. I worked hard on that, now it's all gone. God I hate myself right now.

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