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Eunseo- I had fun talking with your friends the other day

Coups- they all really like you.

Coups- but they're not taking you away from me

Eunseo- again, I don't belong to any of you

Coups- so what, you're still mine

Eunseo- XP

Coups- rude

Eunseo- you're rude

Coups- besides this

Coups- they really like you

Coups- but not as much as me

Eunseo- well I like all of you guys.

Eunseo- you have some great friends

Coups- I'm glad I've met them

Coups- they're the best

Eunseo- I wish I had friends like them

Coups- we're all your friends now.

Coups- so we'll be here when you need something

Coups- especially me

Eunseo- thanks Coups

Eunseo- you're the best

Coups- I know I am, when am I not

Eunseo- a lot of the time probably

Coups- I am the best

Eunseo- mhmm

Coups- you're the weirdest

Eunseo- and you're not

Coups- not one bit

Coups- he's lying -Mingyu

Eunseo- XD

Coups- this always has to happen to me

Coups- ugh

Eunseo- at least I know the truth

Eunseo- I've gotta go

Eunseo- it's getting late

Coups- ok, sweet dreams

I hope you all like this :)

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