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Eunseo- I never asked

Coups- ask

Eunseo- what do you do for a living.

Eunseo- like I mean, I go to school. But what do you do.

Coups- I usually dance or sing with my friends

Eunseo- you could sing

Coups- kinda, I'm a better rapper though

Eunseo- awesome

Coups- I've got one more question??

Eunseo- you may ask

Coups- what do you study?

Eunseo- it's nothing much

Coups- come on just tell me. Science? medicine?

Eunseo- I study music

Eunseo- I want to be a song writer when I grow up.

Coups- that's amazing.

Coups- my friend is a song writer

Coups- his songs are really great

Eunseo- he should teach me

Eunseo- cuz I haven't learned shit from this place

Coups- it can't be that bad can it.

Eunseo- my teacher forgets the fact that he is one

Coups- seems like a shitty school

Eunseo- it is

Eunseo- I don't even know why I'm still here.

Eunseo- only reason for me to come was the fact that everyone was saying how great it was

Eunseo- but it's the worst

Coups- maybe next semester you could go to a new school

Eunseo- that's gonna be expensive

Coups- it'll be alright. You could get a job

Coups- or ask your parents for help

Eunseo- I guess so yeah

Eunseo- why not

Coups- great :)

Eunseo- I meant about the job

Eunseo- there's no way my parent are going to help me pay for it

Coups- why not

Eunseo- they want me to be a doctor. They don't want me to do music at all. I had to pay for myself

Coups- maybe they've changed there mind

Eunseo- I can barely talk to them these days without them making an excuse saying stuff like "sorry I'm busy" or "sorry hun, I'm late for work"

Eunseo- they're that disappointed in me and MY choices

Coups- that's sad

Eunseo- sometimes I think I should do what they want me to do instead of doing my own thing

Coups- you should not

Coups- it'll make you miserable doing something you don't want to do

Eunseo- maybe you're right

Coups- not maybe

Coups- I am right

Eunseo- I guess so

Coups- good

Eunseo- I should go now, I have class in about two minutes and it'll take me a while to get there

Coups- ok talk to you later

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