044. One Year Later

Start from the beginning

We trail behind everyone else, our flip-flops slapping on the wooden boardwalk leading down to the waves. I pull off my t-shirt and straighten the strap of my aqua bikini.

"What's the deal Brynn? Having problems with Sophie?"

The rest of the group is far ahead of us, and their laughs and shouts dance back to us on the breeze. Liam scoops Allison up and carries her into the sand and she squeals.

Brynn ties her hair up into a high ponytail, tendrils framing her heart-shaped face. "No. But you and Spencer are."

I chew the inside of my cheek. Brynn's by far my most intuitive friend. I refuse to admit Spencer and I are going through a rough spot even to myself, but now that she's said it out loud it's hard to ignore.

It's not even anything big. Small things, things that seem insignificant at the time. He asks me all the time about Northwestern, if I have my classes or my dorm or if I'm joining any clubs. When I told him I'm talking to a guy in the film club about joining, he freaked out. Not to mention all he talks about is soccer—apparently he wants to try out for the rec league in college. That's all our dates are: soccer talk and bickering about Northwestern.

I haven't told my friends any of this. But somehow Brynn knows. Maybe she's picked up on the looks we give each other across the room, or how we're not as touchy as Cassidy and Nathan are.

"What's wrong with you and Spencer?" asks Cassidy.

I shrug and step around a flipped-over crab on the boardwalk. "Nothing huge. I'm sure it's just because we're going off to separate colleges next year."

"Yeah, what're you going to do about that?" asks Brynn.

"We're all going to different colleges. We've all got to have that talk eventually. Spencer and I haven't had it yet."

Cassidy adjusts the delicate silver necklace she's wearing. "Neither have Nathan and I."

"You think it's just because of the long-distance thing?" prods Brynn. "Not anything else?"

"Probably other stuff, too. He just bothers me lately."

"How so?"

I didn't sign up for therapy. I want to be running around in the dunes, kicking up sand and jumping into the waves. But I need to have this talk with someone, especially because I'm avoiding having it with Spencer.

"He just makes comments that bug me. I feel like he has expectations about what I should do when I get to college."

Brynn wrinkles her nose. "Like what?"

"Like the physics major I've always planned on. No time for extra-curriculars or meeting new people."

"What a hypocrite," snorts Cassidy. "All he'll ever talk about is soccer."

"Exactly. I want to try new things in college."

"Maybe that includes a new boyfriend," murmurs Brynn.

"I'm not breaking up with him over it or anything," I say. "Just because it's gone a little flat doesn't mean it can't get better."

"Well, you don't get to use our bed," says Brynn. "You know I like things clean."

"I'm not going to, jeez."

We're at the beach now. Everyone else has fanned out into small clusters. Surprisingly, Celia sits on a towel with Allison and Liam, braiding her hair. Allison looks incredibly pleased with herself, but Liam looks like he wants to be anywhere but there. Spencer and Nathan toss a Frisbee back and forth, hollering.

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