section 16 - but all the fake noise can't tear us apart

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"Kookie, I'm leaving from this music video shoot I'm at to go pick up some chicken from the store. I love you ❤️" she texted him before she left the parking lot in her car, and then drove off.

The parking lot at the store was completely crowded with cars, so she parked in the other parking lot where there was pretty much no one. She started walking over around the barrier separating the two parking lots, and she felt an arm around her shoulders. She jumped, and when she saw the same hooded figure as before, she tried to scream but the figure person gagged her with a cloth and took her away, her body writhing and her kicking her legs everywhere, hoping to hit the person in the wrong place, but with little success. They shoved her into the back of a car and started driving.

She should've been more careful. She'd almost forgot about the whole thing and she should have payed more attention to it before.

Yeri cried as she laid there, helpless and tied up, watching the lights of buildings go by quickly out the window.

Were they going to kill her?


The hooded, masked figure punched Jungkook hard in the face, as he sat there helpless in the chair. What would Yeri think when she got home and he wasn't there like she'd expected?

He didn't want to die now, and especially didn't want it to end this way.

"Tell me your address and exactly where you live. Now!" the man demanded.

"No," Jungkook forced out, and he was yet again smacked across the face, hard. His mouth continued to bleed, in between his teeth and everything. It dribbled out of his mouth and all over his shirt below and into his lap, crimson red staining the fabric. He spit some to the side as it continued to fill his mouth. It tasted of straight iron, and strong, too.

His brow was busted and his lip as well, which made his mouth area bleed even more. He could feel his torso bruising and he breathed fast and hard, trying to relax a little. But he didn't even know if that was possible in that type of situation.

"Just tell me where she is," Jungkook demanded. "Please. I want to see her."

"And why would I let you do that?"

"Why are you holding me captive?" he yelled.

"My partner wants you all to herself."

He gasped. "She can't. I'm Yeri's. Stupid 'fans'. They'll do anything to try to get what they want, won't they?"

The guy laughed evilly. "Just about."


"Let go of me! Please!" Yeri screamed. "I need to see him. I need to make sure he's okay." She was almost hyperventilating. "Is he okay?!"

"Yeah, he's fine," the girl said carelessly. She had her back turned to her, working on something, standing at a desk right there, and Yeri tried to get unchained from the pole, somehow. She finally reached her help button which was tucked in her pocket, flicked it open, and pressed it with all her might, then shoved it back in her pocket before the girl turned around again.


Jungkook's pocket vibrated, and he sat up straight.


He had to get out of there somehow, and he would, he'd just have to figure it out.


The guy pulled a knife out, and Jungkook looked up at him. "Can I please have that? That looks so nice. Where'd you get it? I'd love one of those."

"You won't need one once we're done here, because you'll be dead."

"Please, I just want to see it." He lowered it to Jungkook's face, and he shook his head. "Wow. So sleek, and clean....." Quickly he kicked it out of the guy's hands with his knee and it clattered across the floor just behind him. He kicked his legs up so the chair would fall back, at the same time kicking the guy hard in the face. Grabbing the knife, he sawed the rope off from around his hands and then his ankles, not taking long because it was so sharp. Then, he barely hesitated and stabbed the guy right in the chest, and even though he didn't believe he just did that, he knew he had to get out of there as fast as he could to save his life and Yeri's both.

Blood everywhere, him even leaving his own blood in footprints on the ground as he ran. If detectives found out they would probably be confused because his blood wasn't going to match the dude's he killed.


He approached the building, the old airplane hangar, and sprinted in, seeing Yeri sitting there, arms tied to a pole in the ground like a slave. He didn't see anyone around, so he ran right in, saying, "Yeri! You're alone? Oh, thank God you called me, or..... or I don't know what I would've done. Oh, Yerim." He went straight over and hugged her, then untied her bonds and cut her gag off. "Let's get out of her, nae jagiya."

As soon as they began to run out, the lady yelled "Hey! Get back here! How did you get away?" and got a gun out but by the time she finished struggling to get it out, they were gone.


When they got back to the house, after reporting everything to the police and explaining to them where the locations were so they could go investigate deeper, Yeri texted out to their BangtanVelvet group chat for no one to come to the house. Of course they were wondering why, but Yeri didn't feel like explaining everything and why, especially Jungkook, had blood all over him.

Yeri had him sit on the sofa with a towel under him just incase there was any leftover wet blood, and sat beside him with products and gauze, and had a couple of cotton balls for his still-bleeding gums and tooth.

"Open your mouth, Kook. Say 'ah'."

"Ahhhhh," he obeyed, and she tucked the cotton ball inside his lip, then another in between his cheek and gums.

"Now hold that there and I'll clean your wounds on your face," she said, kissing his forehead gently. She grabbed some antiseptic and dribbled some onto a cloth pad, dabbing his eyebrow with some. He whimpered a little, his eyebrows furrowed and turned up in worry. "Hurts," he told her, not able to say anything else with the cotton in his mouth.

"I'm sorry. It might sting a little, but we have to clean it, baby." She gently continued and once she finished her job, she looked at him. "We need to go to the hospital just in case. Alright? I'll drive you, too."

He nodded and she closed the antiseptic bottle, standing up with him and wrapping her arm around her shoulders, kissing his cheek. "I'm so sorry, Kookie. Every time I look at you I just want to cry. You don't deserve this at all."

He tried to smile a little, his mouth still stiff with the cotton balls. She ran a hand through his hair as she teared up, just the thought of it all and seeing his own dark red blood dried all over his clothes and himself.

"I love you, nae wangjanim."

"I love you so much, jagiya. Thank you so much for taking care of me and saving the both of our lives today."

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