section 3 - just one day, if i can hold your hands

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She said yes.

Two nights later, Jungkook had asked Yerim if she wanted to do something like a date, and two nights later, he was on his way to Red Velvet's hotel.

Once the driver pulled up to the front of the building, Jungkook thanked him and stepped out into the shadows, trying to be sure he wouldn't be seen by anyone possibly hiding behind bushes or something and watching him. He pulled his face mask over his nose and mouth and pulled his baseball cap farther down so it would cast more of a shadow on his face and over his eyes. Then, he headed up the stairs.

Shaking from nervousness, he knocked on the door of their hotel room, and Seulgi came to the door to greet him.

"Yeri's just getting ready," she told him, "She'll be out in a minute. You can come sit down if you'd like!" she welcomed, and he bowed to thank her, heading over to a chair to wait.

All the sudden, Yeri emerged from the bathroom, her pajamas still on and her hair in a messy bun. Jungkook still thought she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, and no makeup and pajamas wouldn't change that. He smiled under his face mask, and bowed to her as well.

"Jungkook," she said, surprised, "I didn't think you would be here yet. I thought I heard something, but I didn't think it was you."

"Yeri-ssi, I'm so sorry. I came a little too early and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to —"

Yeri smiled, making her way over to him. "Jungkook-ah, it's really quite alright. I'm just sorry that you have to see me like this. Such an eyesore," she apologized, and he shook his head, standing up and taking her hand.

"You are beautiful."

She blushed, and he led her outside on the porch, both of them leaning against the rail and facing each other. "Yeri, I brought some ice cream for us to share.... I hope you like ice cream. I've never planned a date before, and I apologize for that."

She smiled sweetly. "Jungkook, this is perfect. And yes, I love it."

He pulled his face mask down, smiling. "Okay."

He pulled the carton out of the plastic store bag he was carrying and gave her a spoon and kept the other for himself. Jungkook looked out over the railing, watching the cars drive by on the highway in the distance. They were silent for a moment, just enjoying each other's company.

"Jungkook," Yeri said after a minute or two, looking over at him as she held the utensil in her hand after she had another spoonful of ice cream.

He looked back at her in response, his eyebrows raised. "Yeri." He smiled.

"What if the companies find out..... that we're on a date? Or that we..... you know..... like each other?" she asked slowly.

Jungkook's stomach dropped when she said that. Not just because of her mentioning the companies finding out..... but because she admitted and straight out said that they liked each other.

"Yeri-ssi..... don't worry about the companies finding out. Or anyone finding out for that matter. We're living our own lives and they have no part of it when it comes down to the very personal things."

She looked down, nodding slowly. "Yeah."

Jungkook dipped his spoon in the carton to get another serving of ice cream, and once he had eaten it he dropped his spoon down off the balcony and into the bushes below by accident. He looked down in horror, eyes wide, and he gasped. "No."

Yeri stood beside him, laughing. He looked over at her, starting to laugh too.

By the time they were done laughing they were crying, so loud that Joy came out and asked, "What's going on out here with you two?"

They looked around at her, wiping the tears from their eyes, still giggling. "Jungkook dropped his spoon down into the bushes by accident and his face..... his......" Yeri struggled to get out, starting to laugh again once more.

Joy rolled her eyes, smiling at them though, shaking her head. "Okay. I get it. You don't have to die laughing trying to explain it to me." She walked back inside, closing the door softly behind her again.

Jungkook laughed, smiling at Yeri. She was so cute, and her laugh was adorable too. The way her eyes were shaped when she smiled were like upside down crescents, her deep brown eyes sparking happily.

He loved her, and he couldn't deny that feeling inside of him. Despite the fact that he had never loved a girl before besides his mother or anyone in his family, he knew that feeling was love.

And he only felt that for her.

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