Chapter Thirty-one: Dragon Root

Start from the beginning

Astrid hesitates. "Before we noticed you had gotten captured, Draira and I were talking a little, so she was right next to me and Stormfly in the air. When we saw you had been captured, she and I both yelled your name."

Hiccup raises an eyebrow. "So you suspect she likes me?"

Astrid quickly shakes her head. "No, but this might be just as bad." She pauses. "Hiccup, she called you her brother."

His eyes widen. "Are you sure she's sane?"

Astrid nods. "Unfortunately, I'm positive that she is very much not crazy." She hesitates. "And, if you think about it, it makes sense. She's just the right amount younger than you that it would make sense, and you and she are actually quite similar in thoughts and actions." She gestures around at the other Riders. "I asked all of them how they survived the abundance of new ships, and they all said it was thanks to Draira and her quick thinking."

They fly in silence for a while after that. Then, Hiccup speaks up. "I'll ask my dad when we get to Berk." Astrid bobs her head in agreement with his choice.

* * *

They arrive at Berk soon after, and they all rush to Gothi's after leaving their dragons below. Even still, it is very crowded on the little platform where Gothi's house stands. Thus, it is no surprise when Gothi gets very irritated at them.

"She says she wants everyone to go away while she works on Draira," Fishlegs reads. Gothi nods her head affirmatively to agree. She has long, grey hair tied into braids on each side with a viking helmet on top
Her bright blue eyes could melt steel, but, when she wanted it to be, her smile was as warm as freshly baked pie. So, at the mercy of Gothi's cane, they all decide to leave. Hiccup takes this time to visit his father. He finds Stoick the Vast helping to fix Sven's sheep farm.

"Hiccup my boy! Good to see you!" he bellows upon seeing his heir. The flaming red hair on his head is barely concealed by a viking helmet, but his beard still goes down to his belt line, containing messy braids of all varieties. The determination in his green eyes mimics Hiccup's own when he is working on an important project. Other than that, he looks almost nothing like his lanky son, instead being tall and buff, the typical look of a viking. "What brings you to Berk on such short notice?"

"I told you about the new girl?" asks Hiccup. Stoick nods his huge head. "Well, she was stabbed in the leg by a Hunter and won't wake up."

"I know you said she was badly wounded by an arrow but..."

"It's the Dragon Root," interrupts Hiccup. "For some reason, Dragon Root has the same effect on her as it does on the dragons. And the sword.. well, it was made of it."

"I see.." says Stoick slowly. Then, he studies Hiccup closer. "Is there something you want to talk to me about, son?"

Hiccup hesitates. "It's about Draira..." He winces and stares off in the distance where Gothi's hut can just be seen.

"Is that the name of the girl you were talking about?" Stoick asks, seeming startled.

Hiccup turns back to look at Stoick. "Yeah. Why? Is it because she's my sister?"

Stoick's eyes widen. "What makes you say that son?"

"Something Astrid heard her say."

Stoick sighs. "Then, it must be her."

"Must be who? Dad, what are you hiding from me?!" Hiccup sounds frantic.

His father stares off into the distance. "Before you were born, your mother and Oswald the Agreeable were close... very close. We were all married then, but we still hung out quite a lot with each other. Then, a year after you were born, your mother got pregnant." Hiccup stares open-mouthed at his father. He sees his son's expression and hurriedly shakes his head. "No, no. It wasn't like that. Your mother wasn't that type of person." He sighs. "I have to admit though, it was very strange. Somehow, we all knew something had happened between your mother and Oswald, but none of us could remember how or why." He stares off into space again. "Oswald took her into his custody on a remote island in between Berk and his place so that no one would question where she came from. But then, years after when your mother had disappeared and the girl was five years old, the island was attacked." His breath hitched. "Oswald barely made it out alive. When he brought a search party later, the island was in flames, and there were no survivors. At least..." He pauses and looks up at Gothi's hut. "At least that's what we thought."

They sit in silence just looking up at Gothi's hut for a very long while. "So, she's Dagur's and Heather's half-sister as well?" Stoick nods his head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Valka and I were going to tell you when you grew older. But, when she was taken and the island was attacked, I didn't think it was too important for you to know anymore."

Hiccup opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by a panting Fishlegs. "Gothi.. gasp.. wants to.. see.. you... gasp." He says. And, with that, Hiccup races to her hut with Fishlegs close behind.

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