Connors coming out

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Im sorry this story update is like 3 days later than I expected, I like to write only when the idea is fresh in my head like the first chapter came to me at like 11pm and so not to loose it I started writing what my brain was telling me sounded fun. ill try to keep my updates a few days apart if not no longer than a week.

Disclaimer: I am using offensive words and things that can and probably will piss some people off, id like to say im sorry first off and I have warnings so's to warn y'all.

to the story....

Chapter 2

The evening has been uneventful for the boys, Greg and Connor walked to the movies after the salon appointment, it was almost 5:30 pm when the boys walked from the theater, the boys started walking to Greg's home when the two run into the most homophobic asshole in the whole school, (I don't want to offend anyone as I am gay too so I kept this insult as minimalistic as possible) oh look at the fags coming now, Cameron were not gay were just friends so fuck off, oh please, bitches I smell the gay off you a mile away, more from this hoe. He slaps the back of Greg's head as he walks past filling victorious.

Connor turned to Cameron after he heard a small whimper from Greg, "So you think just because I or Greg is Gay means your dumb football playin ass can hit us and get away with it, boy are you sorrowfully wrong asshole" (Again I hope I don't offend anyone, if I do ill remove it) oh did I offend your little boy... those were the last words as Connor slammed his fist into Cameron's face causing him to stumble and fall to the ground, "Bitch if you ever touch or say a word to my boyfriend again, yes I just said boyfriend, I will break your legs off and shove them up your ass, you better be happy cuz I am outed now bitch" the whole time never taking his eyes off Cameron

Connor comes stomping up the sidewalk Grabbing Greg's hand as he starts walking, all the while earning a deep red blush from his soon to be boyfriend Greg, the trip to the house was rapid and quiet due to Connors frustrations, finally at the door Connor lets a small sigh, "I suppose you want me gone knowing I'm gay and all" after a brief silence Connor looks down to the ground and starts to walk off Greg's porch with tears running down his face, when a gentle touch stopped him in his tracks.

"Connor I don't want you to leave, I want to continue this sleepover with you," Connor was taken back when his soft lips were met by a equally smooth pair of his acclaimed boyfriend, Greg!

Greg held his concentration to just the kiss until he felt a prodding wet object pleading to Enter his mouth, he didn't really know what he was suppose to do, Connor was his first real kiss, but thinking on his feet he parted his lips hoping it was the right action and immediate was met with a battle with Connor's tongue, after what was labeled the longest kiss in history (really only lasting 30 seconds) the boys parted and began panting like dogs in the heat, "Hey Connor would you like to be my Boyfriend, sense it seems I am yours" the boys laugh knowing the seriousness of the situation still, after the laughter died down Greg began to blush and looked at Connor with seriousness, "Well am I dating a rich and sexy baseball player" he asked while grabbing for his hands, "Connor if you need time to think o..." was all he was able to get out before he was hit with another kiss, not as long as his last and first but its ok "Well I take that as a yes, (Connor nods his head indicating yes)would you like to go in hun." Greg asked fumbling for his new key.

well what happens next you'll find out in the next chapter until then leave your comments on this paragraph and ill read them, pick the best and use them to the best of my abilities, ill only pick ones that fit the theme of the story well

thanks for reading...

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