Chapter 2

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I fell in a continual whimpering. My body trembled, slowly slid downstairs. A black creature looked down to me. I tried to hide and run away but I was glued on the stairs. My body automatically rolled up in a ball. The person started stroking my hips. He kneeled down trying to pick me up.

'Don't touch me.' I screamed hysterically. My eyes got wet. Helpless I wanted to hold my limbs as tight as possible to my chest. But the person was stronger and finally picked me up. He got me standing on my jelly like legs.

'It's fine Darling. It's Orlando, I won't hurt you.' He cooed. I dropped my body in his arms. He caught me and rubbed my back. I cried in his shirt. I had no power left. Nothing was there holding me except for him.

We stood on the stairs for a while until I recomposed myself. Orlando and me walked upstairs holding each others hand in a strong grip. I was afraid to open the door. What if he did the same as before? What if he hid again and waited for the right moment?

I walked quickly. My feet touching each other with every step I took. My steps got faster. It felt like somebody followed me so I turned around paranoidly a few times, but there was nobody in the parking area except for me and my black car. I stumbled to it hoping he was gone now and wouldn't see me. Full of panic I rummaged through my hand bag. It took me a lifetime to unlock the car with my shaky hands. When I finally opened it I thought I'd be safe. I really felt safe, but I wasn't. I reached my hand out to close the door. Something touched my thin wrist. I winced horrified. My eyes looked up from the asphalt directly in his brown eyes. This psychotic sparkle in it made me shiver. I had no chance to escape. My body tried to climb over to the seat. I couldn't attempt avoiding him. His grip around my wrist tightened and his hands began touching my hips. Lukasz dragged me out the car retaining me to the floor. I screamed kicking around with my feet. One of my kicks hit his stomach. It made him even more aggressive. He slapped me a few times until my nose bled. His hand covered my mouth. They were as cold as ice. As cold as his soul. His jeans fell to the floor. My clothes were ripped of my body. Nothing kept him away from doing what he did. My cheeks burnt. My body shook. Everything felt numb. I tried to get up with the help of my car. But he was faster and grabbed my body. He helped me getting up and gave me a tight hug. I hated it. It was the most disgusting hug I ever got. 'Just be quiet or you end up like her.' I knew who her was. Everybody knew. 'Nobody.' he breathed into my ear. Then he pulled away from our hug and pushed me back to the car. I just saw him disappearing. His steps, so secure. I gazed to the black sky for a while. I realized nothing that happened around me. No sounds, no people - nothing. My eyes closed and I saw him again. Suppressing it made me think about it even more. Again I cried and curled up in a ball trying to protect my body. My dirty body.

'Please don't leave me ever again.' I mumbled half asleep laying next to Orlando in our bed. He embraced me what made me feel safe. I needed that feeling a lot. He rested his head on mine and stroke my hair of my face. His lips touched my forehead and his beard tickled on it. I moved closer to his body and closed my eyes. The only thing I could hear was him taking deep breaths. He seemed to be thinking about something but before I could ask I fell asleep.


'Slept well?' Orlando asked me on breakfast's table. I nodded chewing exaggerated on my piece of bread. 'And you're sure everything is fine? I mean you acted... kinda weird the last days.' I stopped chewing and looked up. What if he leaves me when I tell him? What if he has the same reaction as John had? I swallowed the bread and looked into the nothing hoping he won't ask again. Obviously he didn't let go of it. 'Katy?'

'It's fine I just had a nightmare.' I muttered. He examined me with raised eyebrows. Of course he couldn't believe me. He knew me too well.

'You can tell me anything.' Orlando pointed out. My hands began shaking. Don't tell anyone and everything will be fine. Those words kept on repeating in my head. My hands shook even more the more I thought about it.

'It's fine.' I crooked out. I tried to continue eating but the idea of eating right now made me wanna puke. I stood up knocking over the glass of orange juice. He grabbed my arm so I couldn't walk away. I froned at him crunshing my eyebrows together.

'Don't touch me.' I said clenching my teeth together. He didn't let go. 'Let go of me!'

'I won't let go of you. Either you end up laying in some corner crying your eyeballs out. What's wrong with you?' He raised his voice now. I was afraid. What if he starts hurting me? I fell on my knees burying my head in my hands. Orlando's grip eased and I fell completely to the floor again. 'Katy! Tell me what's wrong.' He screamed now. I shook my head slowly. Orlando stood up and left the room. I heard the door shut and feared the worst. I was alone. I hated being alone. He could always come back.

I crawled over to a chair and heft up my weak body. I tumbled to the sofa. My vision was full of hallucinations. Everywhere I saw him. I laid down there and felt him laying his body on mine. I kicked and slapped in the air. I was sure he looked at me. I was sure he wanted to do the same as before but no one not even Nugget was in the house.

I couldn't stand up from the couch. My fears controlled me. I knew he hid behind the next door and waited for a good moment to come back. I knew if I stood up he'd see me and touch me again. But no one was there. My mind played tricks with me. Those childish fears destroyed me. Maybe they also destroyed my relationship?

Orlando didn't come back. I was on my own for the whole noon and afternoon. I was afraid. I was even more than afraid. I needed to take a shower but I couldn't. My fears controlled me, again. I watched documentaries about worms. I did everything I could to forget about him. But nothing ever helped. I acted like he did it again. Like it was just a few days ago that he touched me and raped me. I hated that he was still free although Kesha had the strength to tell him. Maybe he wouldn't be free if I said my testimony. If I had said what I witnessed.

A/N: I'll be going on a class trip on Sunday!! Yaaay that's gonna be fun with julienxbam maybe we'll go to a strip club xD Jk we won't just because she is too decent. I'd go I bet my Reese's holy fuck I love them :D. Whatever hope you like this chapter ♡ thanks for commenting and voting to ya'll!!!

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