The Cells

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I'm in Asgard again.


"You know, this is what they put us in a cell for brain," I said looking up towards my head. I sighed rolling my eyes and looked straight ahead.

There was Thor. "Hiya Thor! Long time no see! Oh, wait. I see you every fudging day. Oh, and there's Loki. Looking great! Is that a new hair product?"

Of course, they couldn't hear me, but I could hear them. They were talking about some war with Jotunheim, and how this would affect Thor's party that was being put on by Odin.

Yep. Like always, I feel like I'm in a comic book.

I could tell by the look in Loki's eyes that he was happy about the postponing of Thor's special feast. I had practically grown up with these guys and even though they couldn't always tell what the other was thinking, I could read them like an open book.

I even remembered the time Loki had transformed himself into a snake because he knew Thor liked snakes. When Thor had seen the "snake" and picked it up, Loki turned back into himself yelling "SUPRISE!" and then stabbed Thor in the chest. Thor wasn't that hurt since Asgardians were quite durable, but it was funny to look back on. I had always favored Loki, even if it seemed that no one else did.


"Venice. Venice! Ugh, its happened again." said one voice.

"Well it is what he was put in here for." replied the second voice.

"Where am I?" I asked

"Where you've always been since you were five, and yelled at the teacher that "you didn't need to learn because Loki of Asgard was going to take you with him to Jotunheim"." said the second voice.

"Well, he looked like he would. And you know very well that wasn't the only reason." I spat back

"Right, like when you yelled "Fight me Jotun scum!" and stabbed the kid next to you on the hand with a Dora pencil." voice two mentioned.

"Ugh, I had just come out of a vision," I said annoyed.

I had finally opened my eyes and could see the white padded cell around me. The only two people I really ever remembered knowing were next to me.

Laura was 15 and had been in here since she was three, which was more than the rest of us.

I had come in when I was five and was currently 13.

Sedrick had been come here at eight and was now 11.

We all had been born about two years away from each other.

We had become a family and had told each other everything.

Laura had attempted suicide 15 times by the time she was three so the put her in here "for her own good." She was tall for her age with long orange hair reaching her waist that almost perfectly matched her shirt. It was messed up from many years of living in a cell. She had very pale skin that looked almost see through. Her eyes were bright green and she had no freckles.

Sedrick had gone into a fit of rage after he was picked on by his classmates, friends, and family for all eight years of his life, and pushed one of his "friends" out of their tree fort nearly killing him. Sedrick had short blond hair that laid in stark contrast to his Hispanic colored skin. He was relatively normal sized for his age, and had normal Hispanic blackish brown eyes.

I had been put in here for visions, and how I was starting to not be able to separate life from dream. I had short brown hair that was longer on one side then the other. I was relatively short and mildly stout, but certainly not fat, especially since I wasn't fed much. My eyes, well, they changed color. Every time I came out of a vision the would either by misty gray, emerald green, or sapphire blue. My skin was a peachish tan with a lot of freckles, especially on my face.

We all wore baggy orange shirts, long caky pants, and black combat boots.

Each of us had a name tag with some crazy name the jailor gave us. They were all offensive, designed to lower our self-esteem and willingness to escape. They were pinned to our shirts with name tags. Mine read "Asgardian Oracle." I had pleaded with the jailor to just change it to "Loki" instead since I had always admired and wanted to be friends with Loki, but the jailor just laughed cruelly and threw me into the cell with Laura. Sedrick wasn't there yet.

Laura's tag read "Suicidal Toddler" even though she was older now.

Sedricks tag read "King of the Tree House" much to his embarrassment.

We never called each other by our tags, because we didn't want to be called by our tag either. And as much as we tried we couldn't pull them off our clothes without the key to unlock them.

Plates of food were slid underneath the door every day but usually consisted of slop. A water spicket in the corner gave us water from 5 am to 3 pm and turned off before or after those times. An old clock hung on the wall that only Sedrick knew how to read since he had lived out of a cell for the longest.

A bunk bed sat a little off the corner with a cot hanging behind it on the wall the bunk bed was against and stretched to the opposing wall.

A toilet, sink, and tub sat in the corner surrounded by a flimsy curtain made of a bendable fabric plastic. The tub and sink were equipped with one bottle of soap that they gave us a new one every month. The empty ones were forced through the dog flap when they gave us the new soap. All of the water in the bathroom also turned off and on at 5 am and 3 pm.

There were no windows. There was a door on the wall without a clock, that had the end of the cot at one corner and the "bathroom" at the other corner. The door was always locked and appeared to only be an outline except for the dog flap at the bottom that they put our food through.

This is where I lived, but it wasn't all bad. I mean the floors were so cushy that you could bounce on them. Oh! And you can even faceplant out of the bunk bed onto the floor without hurting yourself. So... that's fun. Heh... heh... Okay, we're breaking out of here!

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