Ace didn't respond. Instead he ran a hand through his blonde hair. "I saw...I saw Armani and Hayden today earlier." He started off and I lifted my head. Oh god. "I saw them together and they were talking....just talking. I-I don't wanna jump to any conclusions or make assumption-for my sake- but Arden, I think Hayden might be into Mani."

I just sat there and looked at Ace. When I didn't respond he also lifted his head to look at me- giving me a cautious look. "Into her," he continued, emphasizing his words. "And not a simple innocent like- I think he's into her, Arden."

I continued to stare, opening my mouth but nothing but silence flying out. I sighed. "He is." I spat out.

Ace's mouth widened and he gave me an incredulous look. "What?!"

I leaned forward and outstretched my hand. Ace was frowning and as his close friend, it was bad seeing him do it. Plus, Ace likes to look on the bright side. He's almost never frowning

"Ace, listen-"

"And, i'm figuring this out now because..."

"Because, I wasn't going to blow it out of proportions. Ace, it literally means nothing....yeah, he's fond of her but I guarantee he's not going make any moves."

"Damn right he's not," Ace clenched his fist on the table in front of us and I gave him a pointed look, pressing my lips together. "I'll send a raven to jab the shit out of him."

I snickered at Ace's adorable yet violent threat. "As your best friend, just trust me okay. You know Mani, I know Mani, she loves you. She loves you so much."

"I am pretty amazing." Ace stated in a 'duh' tone.

The knob on the door twisted and soon, my mother along with Nikki beside her entered. Athena was dressed in her usual white wrap with a signature of blue. Nikki was sweating and wearing her sportswear. She was rubbing her back and she entered and dramatically plopped in a chair beside me, panting heavily.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Literally any time I see Nikki, she's in the midst or just finishing a duel with someone. The girl loves to fight in any form she can.

Athena chuckled. "I had to recruit in our never-ending fighter. Any time I see Nikhole in the training center, she's always battling with someone."

"Who was it this time? Ace asked gesturing to Nikki.

"Her name is lsla. She's a Harpie, I believe. She said Ares invited to train here when she wanted after he discovered she was a disparate."

"A Harpie?" I asked. Nikki nodded.

"A Hybrid." Ace added and Athena nodded.

"Correct." Harpies are hybrids. They're females but they were also half bird. Changing into a fully developed bird when they want, they actually had nice abilities. However, like the Kabalos, they can also be a little mischievous. It's rumored, not known, that their leader was the Phoenix. The bird that always rises, the one of a kind. If the Phoenix is really put there, no one knows who she is. No one but herself, and her followers. Her and her chosen harpies.

"So, my young ones, I thought we could practice our sayings." Athens clapped her hands in front of her. Silence filled the room and Athena gave us a sarcastic smile. "Do not sound too excited."

I decided to ask my mother a question, a question that could maybe be the answer to all the craziness and chaos that was going on.

"Athena." She locked gazes with me and nodded.

"Yes, sweetie?"

I briefly looked at Ace and Nikki before continuing. "Do you think- I mean...what does it mean when disparates experience....vivid dreams.....maybe visions or illusions?"

Athena looked at me curiously before answering. "Actually, it is quite normal for young demi-gods to experience certain optics...i'd prefer the term flashbacks and memories, in such a way, they might seem real. Yes." She answered seriously. "Have any of you experienced any vivid dreams?"

I shrugged and looked around at Ace and Nikki. "Um, maybe just one or two."

"Yeah," Nikki added. "It's no big deal."

Athena nodded. "Alright, then. Let's continue."

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I fought the urge to take out my phone and check it. I didn't want to since we were in the presence of Athena.

I decided to just check and surprised when I saw the text message I just received.

'What are you doing later? -Hayden.' 


Yeah, yeah, I know. It was really short but the next chapter will be better. I really want to finish this book before the fall, which probably won't happen, but it could. 

What do you think Hayden wants? Of course you'll find out in the next chapter. You'll love it. Until next time, 


Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora