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Dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite
I have faith in what I see
Now I know that I have met a angel in person and she looks perfect tonight~Ed Sheeran

Third P.O.V

"You may now kissed the bride."

Wedding bells chimed. They kissed and their lips moved in sync. Tears of joy were being shedded. From high school sweethearts to now Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kings.

It wasn't too long ago since Sherman proposed. One of the best decision he had every made. Andrea was truly the love of his life. She's been there even when he didn't want her to be. But he was glad she stuck in there until the end.

Andrea kissed him once more before they headed off to start their new life together. Who knows the world had waiting for them up ahead. Whatever it was, they were going handle it as a team.

"I love you Sherman Kings."

"I love you Andrea Kings."

How good it felt to say that, knowing she was the woman he would spend the rest of his life with.

Sherman was awoken from his deep slumber to knocks on the door of their hotel room. Andrea slept next to him peacefully. He slipped without waking her, to answer the door.

"Are you Sherman Kings?"


The Butler handed him an red envelope and left without another word. Sherman examined the envelope, finding his parent's names on it. He hasn't spoken to them since graduation. You can say they weren't on speaking terms. He debated whether if he should read it or not. Sherman opened it anyway.

Dear Sherman,

We're so sorry about everything. We never realized what was actually happening to our son even when we were there. We had no idea you felt that way. What you said was true. We chose your life for you as well as our other kids. We only wanted what was best. Maybe not the life we live is for everyone and that's  very understandable. Truth be told when you tried your first attempt, you had scared us. Of course we care for your well-being but neither did we try to be good parents and be there through those dark moments. Words can't describe how sorry we are. Please forgive us. Congratulations on your new marriage. We weren't there because we weren't for sure if you wanted us to be. Send our love to Andrea. We wish the both of you the best of luck.

Forever and always,
Mom and Dad

They did care. A smile broke through on his face, regardless that he was crying. They never attended to Sherman hurt although it seem that. Did he forgive them?

Sherman picked up his cell that sat on the desk near the bed. It rang about four times before someone picked up.


"I love you too."

You know what you have to do. Leave your thoughts here 💕


Sherman》Completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora